For the uninitiated, Superman comics had a story line about
an alternate dimension where most everything was done wrong,
backwards, or the opposite of whatever we do here - the Bizzaro
world. The Bizzaro elite travel second class, not first. Their
planet is a cube, not a sphere - and Bizzaro Superman is dumb,
not smart.
Anyhow, the comics never mentioned any religion that I recall
but if they did, I think it might resemble JW's.
Blood is sacred because it's a symbol of life, so it's more
important than life.
The preaching work is a vital, lifesaving work where not at
homes are collected and almost no one is home.
The Theocratic Ministry School teaches speaking skills that
rarely ever get used in a mostly imaginary ministry.
The meetings are important because they teach little and repeat
We practise love for our neighbors by believing that 99.9% of
them will die at Armageddon.
We got rid of food at the assemblies because it made us more
united with our brothers around the world.
We got rid of subscriptions so we can pursue the more efficient
hand delivery method.
We follow Jesus example by obeying egocentric, itinerant spiritual
predators known as circuit overseers.
We are the happiest people on earth, so we are depressed.
We teach that the End is SOON , so we build stuff like Paterson.
I could go on and on,
but what can I say except
me so happy