Holy Spirit – The power behind the creation of the universe, millions of galaxies, billions of stars. The energy flow required to achieve this is unimaginable. The power can accomplish anything.
I have prayed for HS to help me stop smoking with great sincerity. I was DFd multiple times for this personal weakness and clawed my way back simply for the need to support my family. I lied through my teeth to be reinstated.
Finally I succeeded, dependence on tobacco was a thing of the past. Was it Holy Spirit? No it was a simple psychological technique taught by a health professional.
I have been a dub for over 50 years, not once did I feel the slightest tremor, the faintest buzz or any discernable evidence of this “active force” working in my life. Not when niece died refusing blood needed as a result of cancer at the age of 18. Not when her mother, sister was taken ill with dementia and died before she was sixty. Not when her daughter had a stillborn baby three months later and then was diagnosed with serious breast cancer six months after that. Not a twinge.
Has anyone honestly ever felt that mighty force in their life.
Perhaps I didn’t pray hard enough. NB Some artistic licence used to protect the innocent but the content is factual.