How powerful - the Holy Spirit?

by Slidin Fast 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Holy Spirit – The power behind the creation of the universe, millions of galaxies, billions of stars. The energy flow required to achieve this is unimaginable. The power can accomplish anything.

    I have prayed for HS to help me stop smoking with great sincerity. I was DFd multiple times for this personal weakness and clawed my way back simply for the need to support my family. I lied through my teeth to be reinstated.

    Finally I succeeded, dependence on tobacco was a thing of the past. Was it Holy Spirit? No it was a simple psychological technique taught by a health professional.

    I have been a dub for over 50 years, not once did I feel the slightest tremor, the faintest buzz or any discernable evidence of this “active force” working in my life. Not when niece died refusing blood needed as a result of cancer at the age of 18. Not when her mother, sister was taken ill with dementia and died before she was sixty. Not when her daughter had a stillborn baby three months later and then was diagnosed with serious breast cancer six months after that. Not a twinge.

    Has anyone honestly ever felt that mighty force in their life.

    Perhaps I didn’t pray hard enough. NB Some artistic licence used to protect the innocent but the content is factual.

  • sabastious
    Perhaps I didn’t pray hard enough. NB Some artistic licence used to protect the innocent but the content is factual.


  • designs

    Apparently not strong enough to keep a bunch of sweet little Baptist kids from being killed when the Sunday School bus went in the ditch....

  • AnneB

    To paraphrase departed Dan Sydlik: Why do you think God gave you a brain, and hands, and strength?

    There are some things you are meant to do for yourself! Funny, you didn't wait for the Holy Spirit to make you *start* smoking, so why should it help you stop? Your decision, your strength, your action. Same with the cases of illness such as the one you mentioned; people make decisions (even unwise ones), it's their right and prerogative; why would anyone expect the Holy Spirit to get involved? It's sad and terrible when people lose to seemingly random ailments or tragedies befall them that are not of their own making (tsunami's, dementia, etc.) but again, what has that to do with Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit didn't cause them so why should Holy Spirit be expected to fix things up?

    Look for sources, not scapegoats. Take responsibility for your own decisions. When the reason for tragedy (or anything else for that matter) isn't clear or isn't able to be tested satisfactorily, don't blame what you perceive on "Holy Spirit" as if it had shortcomings, rather, take it upon yourself to learn more than what you know now and give understanding a lot more time. Grieve if you need to, but don't join any lynching parties, you may find out later that it was you who was in the wrong.


  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Now you are getting me mad AnneB. I do take responsibility for my actions, my ability to stop smoking or otherwise is simply down to an arbitary rule imposed by the GB. It could be argued that alchohol kills and maims thousands every year but OH Yes Jesus turned water into wine. I take the "spiritual" advice I am given by all in authority that I have been councelled by. They say that if I apply this councel, if I rely on jehovah that Holy Spirit would help me with my problems. It didn't. Other help did.

    It seems to me that the default position with anything actually measureable is that nothing happens. We can pray to God but not for anything to be improved, not for someone to get better (although many dopray for that) but simply that we can endure. If we fail to do so then it is our fault for having little faith. How exactly does this "Holy Spirit" help. Where is the power to really improve lives.

  • AnneB

    You posted the topic for open discussion, I responded. You don't have to like what I said.

    If you recognize that the no smoking policy is a man made, arbitrary rule, and you choose not to follow it, why are you unhappy with the consequences?

    You say you take the spiritual counsel given by those in authority, but you also said you lied through your teeth to get reinstated. Did those in authority counsel you to do that as well? Their version of religion says that if you rely on Jehovah you will be helped by holy spirit. Did you rely or lie?

    If you choose to follow the WT way that's your decision, but your logic is faulty if you don't do what you are told and then expect the same results as if you did.

    Now, I'm done with this topic. I hope that you will see past your emotions to the logic of what I said. If you don't, won't be me that's hurting.

    I sincerely wish you the best.


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