The return of Nibiru

by Okidok 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Okidok

    Is this the one of the most hidden secrets of our time?

    In January 1981 several daily newspapers stated that Pluto's orbit indicates that Planet X exists. The report stated that an astronomer from the U.S Naval Observatory told a meeting of the American Astronomical Society that irregularities in the orbit of Pluto indicates that the solar system contains a 10th planet. He also noted that this came to no surprise to Zecharia Sitchin, whose book about this planet came out three years prior.

    In 1982 NASA themselves officially recognized the possibility of Planet X, with an announcement that an object is really there - far beyond the outermost planets.

    One year later in 1983 the newly launched IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) quickly found Planet X (the 10th). The Washington Post summary of an with the chief IRAS scientist from JPL California had these words to say, a heavenly body as large as Jupiter (The size being in perfect parallel to the ancients knowledge) and part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation of Orion by an orbiting telescope. The orbiting telescope found it right where it was sent to look. They had known of it's existence an location for years but wanted to confirm it with our own technological eyes. These are facts I strongly urge you to check out for yourself. There have been attempts to cover-up this event and rewrite history.

    Planet X's mass is about 4 times that of earth. Its density is 20+ times that of earth being a slow smoldering brown dwarf star. When Planet X passes between earth and our sun, earth will align to its strong magnetism temporarily instead of our sun's. For a short while Planet X will be earth's strongest magnetic voice or influence. Earth's rotation will then pause for 2-3 days. The controllers of NASA are fully aware of this.

    Newton's law of gravity is insufficient to explain planetary science. Planets are magnetic objects and also have a repulsion force that creates the balance between them and keeps them moving. The momentum theory for planets is positively ridiculous. What we call modern astronomical and planetary science is still very much in the dark ages because of this. Play with two magnets to find out that if both are turned a certain way it's difficult to get them to touch because of the repulsion force. The exclusion of the repulsion force in planetary science is a gigantic flaw and political embarrassment to any who've been involved. The story of the Emperor with no clothes is a perfect analogy for how it's being dealt with.

    The earth's 30 miles thick crust acts as a magnetic shield, hiding the true magnetic relationships between planets from our terrestrial scientific instruments. If you want to begin to understand the workings of the solar system you would do better just to eat a Fig Newton cookie than to read Newton's law of gravity that does not take into account the repulsion force. The most interesting scientific revelations off planet that are discovered are generally kept quite from the public under the guise of military security reasons by the financial controllers of these institutions who are pulling the puppet strings.

    History records many names for Planet X. The Sumerians called it the 12th planet or Nibiru (translates into; planet of passing). The Babylonians and Mesopotamians called it Marduk, The King of The Heavens and The Great Heavenly Body. The ancient Hebrews referred to it as the Winged Globe because of it's long orbit high among the stars. The Greeks called it Nemesis. (its most telling name) Prophets have named it The Blue Star, The Red Star, The Fiery Messenger, and The Comet of Doom among others. No matter what the name used, it's the same object that has the same effects before and during it's passage of earth. The Sumerians also had a name for it's approximate 3600 year orbit (A Shar). The ancient Hindu astronomers named Treta Yuga (3600 years) and the destruction it causes Kali Yuga.

    Look to Discovering Archeology, July/August 1999, on page 72. The date 1628 B.C. is given for a world wide catastrophic event. Approximately 3600 years ago and coinciding with its return at this time. Page 70 shows a medieval picture with a large comet looking object as big as the sun streaking across the sky horizontally with a giant tail. Below is a town that is shaking apart with hysterical people in the streets.

    Its elliptical orbit takes it around two suns. The other sun it orbits is our suns dark twin. Nibiru's inbound approach is being closely monitored by our best telescopic equipment on and off earth. This is one of many reasons the orbiting Hubble telescope live feed is hidden from our view. The most accurate calculation for Planet X's next passage is now late May or June 2003.

    Each time it approaches it starts a chain of events that culminates with it passing by and causing our earth's surface to change. These changes are the cause of massive death and destruction. History is rich with these stories. Many people from the past didn't draw the connection between what looked to be a large comet overhead and what they were experiencing at the time (volcanoes erupting, earthquakes, land masses sinking and rising, tidal waves, severe weather and floods). Some of these writers from the distant past simply noted what they thought was a foreboding sign or messenger of the prophets, instead of the cause for their woes.

    In 1995 Planet X became close enough to us that its magnetism started to effect earth in a big way, which increases now daily. The closer it gets to us the faster it moves toward earth and the stronger its magnetic effects become. There is an ebb and flow to these events that are akin to the calm waves before the next big set. Surfers would be most familiar with this analogy. Expect things to get worse as it approaches nearer but not in a straight line.

    Our own sun's gravity is what is pulling it closer and faster. Planet X is not going to hit earth or the sun because of the repulsion force which comes into play as they near each other. There is still reason to be forewarned and concerned.

    Earth now has two strong magnetic influences in the vicinity (our sun being the main one) and its core is heating up because of it. It's like a car with the accelerator and brake on at the same time. The sun is pushing and pulling on earth one way and Planet X is now upsetting that balance with its own set of influences. This has been the reason for all the strange weather and seismic activity as of late.

    The records of this approximate 7 years of turmoil prior to passing are part of biblical record from at least the last time it came by earth. With correct scientific and historical information you don't need to be a prophet to predict the same cycle of events are happening again during Planet X's approach. These events are just a minor taste of what will come when it goes by this time. And yet even these relatively minor events can cause much destruction. Many areas of the world will begin to be severely effected even before the date of passing in 2003, so don't think you can wait to the last minute and then jet away safely.

    You've been listening to a myriad of lies. The disinformation will increase in direct proportion to the closeness of Planet X by the ones with the most to lose. The financial controller gangsters with the best information money can buy are at the top of the heap. They are the ones paying for the lies and watching the approach and its effect on earth carefully.

    First these effects we're said to be caused by global warming. As predicted, when too many scientists world wide challenged this story they changed it to super sun cycles. Sun cycles have never been the cause of simultaneous weather and seismic activity. That's why the big lie theory is stating SUPER sun cycles over a period of time that is so long it can't be checked or verified in any way. Now that is not to say that Planet X isn't having an effect on our sun at the same time that it is going through a regular cycle peak.

    This is the grand daddy of all conspiracies. Using our tax money, the controllers are doing their best to hide the news of Planet X's approach and increased earth disruptions as they ready themselves for the inevitable shift in earth's axis. They give us a campaign of smoke and mirrors in return for our money they bleed from us.

    There are factions within this group of insiders that would like this story to surface. These concerned people are only allowed to create false alarms to further public awareness. This will result in the majority of the population (5+ billion) being uninformed about these major earth events and the time of their scheduled occurrence. Most will be in unsafe areas when this world wide catastrophe takes place.

    Please do your own research with a wide eye open toward the continuing disinformation. Find your own unique sources that only you can. Then get this story out the best way you know how to save lives. Look inside and trust in your heart for the truth on this issue.

    "It takes two to speak the truth -- one to speak, and another to
    ---Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

  • Okidok

    Here is more info

    "It takes two to speak the truth -- one to speak, and another to
    ---Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

  • Naeblis


  • JanH

    LOL. Amazing how people apparently have such a big interest in astronomy, but refuse to learn anything about science.

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • expatbrit

    OH MY GOD!!!

    (I just spilled my milkshake on my pants)


  • Okidok

    Hi Jan
    you said:

    LOL. Amazing how people apparently have such a big interest in astronomy, but refuse to learn anything about science.

    How do you think science are responding to this issue? Do you know any you can ask?

    "It takes two to speak the truth -- one to speak, and another to
    ---Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

  • JanH


    How do you think science are responding to this issue?

    The article used lots of scientific jargon, but it is just nonsense. I doubt a scientist would even bother. Perhaps s/he'd have a good laugh.

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • Hmmm

    One quick question:

    When Planet X passes between earth and our sun, earth will align to its strong magnetism temporarily instead of our sun's. For a short while Planet X will be earth's strongest magnetic voice or influence. Earth's rotation will then pause for 2-3 days. The controllers of NASA are fully aware of this.
    For planet X to pass BETWEEN the earth and sun, it would have to be revolving around some other body. What is the center of planet X's system? Why hasn't something large enough to capture planet X in its orbit been found? (OK that's two questions--what are you gonna do, exile me to Zebulon III, the prison planet of the feared Tasoenthueco'entuh?)

    Methinks this is another plot of Emperor Ming to enslave us all. Sounds like a job for Flash Gordon.


  • Okidok

    Hi Hmmm
    I have no answered to give you. You can search the net for a potential answer
    Try this,

    "It takes two to speak the truth -- one to speak, and another to
    ---Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

  • RunningMan

    Back in the 70's, Immanual Velikovsky came up with numerous preposterous claims.

    Because his books were popular, Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan (and probably others), took the time to systematically debunk his theories. This claim strikes me as very similar.

    Unless he acquires an audience, no scientist will bother wasting the time to refute this trash.

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