
by StopTheTears 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • StopTheTears

    Is there really a Divine Creator or did the universe around us just "evolve?" What an incredible thought to even imagine that there could be a supernatural being so powerful as to create a universe. Wow! Now that's a scary thought! Do I really have to stand in judgment before this Creator? I'm scared to even think about it, what would I say?

    If there is no God, then why are there Satan worshippers and the occult? That question is an interesting one indeed.

    If the Bible was wrote by men, then why does it tell us to seek forgiveness from Jesus? Why would men write such a fairytale condemning all of humanity to hell? Has anyone ever written a book such as the Bible? And if men did write the Bible without ant Divine inspiration, then how did the forty Biblical writers, over 1,500 years of history, manage to complete such a seamless masterpiece of prophecy? The Quran can not claim this, it has no prophecy.

  • varian

    there are so many other questions about the so called evolution.

    why are we male and female?

    what did the spider eat before it could web?

    how did our sterokopic eyes get in touch with our brains?

    what did birds do before they could fly? and: what type of genes thought that aerodynamics where cool to develope on their own?


  • drwtsn32
    If there is no God, then why are there Satan worshippers and the occult? That question is an interesting one indeed.

    Um... seriously? So if people worship Satan he must be real? What about the thousands of other religions that have existed throughout mankind's history? Is Zeus real because the Greeks believed it to be the case?

    If the Bible was wrote by men, then why does it tell us to seek forgiveness from Jesus? Why would men write such a fairytale condemning all of humanity to hell?

    Because it's about trying to control other people, duh. If I made up a religion and decided to write my own holy book, I would make up some figure that people had to worship too -- or face divine punishment of course.

    And if men did write the Bible without ant Divine inspiration, then how did the forty Biblical writers, over 1,500 years of history, manage to complete such a seamless masterpiece of prophecy?


    Successful troll is successful.

  • Retrovirus

    Oh dear, one of those threads.

    I'll just respond to @Varian:

    there are so many other questions about the so called evolution.

    Indeed, fortunately scientists in many disciplines are the only ones likely to help with answers

    why are we male and female?

    Yeah, I researched this for my jw SIL too. Provided her with pages of good stuff about all the different forms af reproduction and she dismissed it all with "I expected you'd have some explanation" So if you do actually want to know do your own research. I suggest starting with unicellular life.

    what did the spider eat before it could web?

    I suppose it feasted on flowers in the garden of Eden? Not all spiders make webs! Research, not blather!

    how did our sterokopic eyes get in touch with our brains?

    Research the evolution of sight, google will help

    what did birds do before they could fly?

    Walked and/or climbed just as flightless birds and hoatzin do today.

    and: what type of genes thought that aerodynamics where cool to develope on their own?

    The "type" that flying squirrels have, that bats have, that flying snakes have?

    hmmmmm............ SHEESH!! All this is freely available. Read up, please!

  • bohm

    Is there really a Divine Creator or did the universe around us just "evolve?"

    I know its called big bang theory and you have a very poor grasp of biology, but i must inform you that the universe cant have sex so no.

    What an incredible thought to even imagine that there could be a supernatural being so powerful as to create a universe. Wow!

    like unicorns shitting rainbows. wow.

    Now that's a scary thought!

    nothing a bit of medication wont clean up.

    Do I really have to stand in judgment before this Creator?


    I'm scared to even think about it, what would I say?

    why do you ask me?

    If there is no God, then why are there Satan worshippers and the occult? That question is an interesting one indeed

    dont worry, just use basic scientific methology and he will run away screaming faster than you can say jehovah 3 times...

    If the Bible was wrote by men, then why does it tell us to seek forgiveness from Jesus?

    indeed, if the bible was made up by men, why does it contain talking animals, magic hair-man, people raising from the dead, dragons, giants and flying people. why indeed.

    Why would men write such a fairytale condemning all of humanity to hell?

    geh i dont know. why would anyone ever make stuff up that gave them power over other people? its allmost like some people are dishonest...

    Has anyone ever written a book such as the Bible?

    well, shrek has talking donkeys, giants, dragons and magic fruit in common with the bible...

    And if men did write the Bible without ant Divine inspiration, then how did the forty Biblical writers, over 1,500 years of history, manage to complete such a seamless masterpiece of prophecy?

    for f*ck sake, make the world a better place and use wikipedia.

    The Quran can not claim this, it has no prophecy.

    and if they quran is wrong, the bible must be right...

  • sooner7nc

    Yep, the Ol' Bible is chock full of good and logical stories that make you go hmmmmm.

    Thank God for zombie carpenters.


  • sabastious
    If there is no God, then why are there Satan worshippers and the occult? That question is an interesting one indeed.

    Different shitty products, same faulty guarentees.


  • sabastious
    If the Bible was wrote by men, then why does it tell us to seek forgiveness from Jesus? Why would men write such a fairytale condemning all of humanity to hell?

    Because they exist.


  • DaCheech

    if there is a god, then why are some creatures born with both sexes?

    if there is a god, then why are many animals gay?

    if there is a god, then why are there birth defects? he's teaching those poor newborns a great lesson!

    if there is a god, then why has there been earthquakes and disasters dating before Adam and Eve?

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