I remember a brother gave a talk about gifts of mercy long time ago. I forgot what the talk is really about, so I would like to know what the Watchtower say about gifts of mercy? Thanks!
What does the Watchtower say about gifts of mercy?
by Iamallcool 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
In Fuerteventura we were discouraged by the elders of helping the sub-saharan boat people in any way other than with a Bible study and lifts to the meetings.
This was not enough for me so my kids and I used to sneak back to the Red Cross where the boat people were kept with "bits" for them.
When I asked an eder why we could not help them materially I was told that if we did they would study with us only for material gain and not spiritual.
These people had risked their lives crossing a dangerous stretch of water with their babies and conservative estimates are that at least 50% die.
They have nothing except absolute necessities which they get from the Red Cross but Jehovah's Witnesses feel it is wrong to contribute in a practical way even with gifts of toys for their children.
On reflection I was never quoted any articles or scriptures so will be very interested to know if there are any.
Pams girl
I think JWs are the only nutters I know who only want to help themselves....whats Christian about that? Bugger all! Im glad you helped those people, it was the right thing to do x
Paula x
The gifts of mercy is the preaching work.
So, in other words, the JW's mercifully bullshit people into thinking that all their troubles will be gone...only to give them MORE troubles (meetings, field circus, talks, not fitting in with the cliques, etc) heaped on their already overflowing plates. What a gift!! And since every JW was given this "gift" and passes it on, does that make them all re-gifters??