Jah using apostates to keep org clean

by rebel8 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I rather like using the Almighty's nickname...kind of like calling Richard, Dick....

    So...jah keeps his org clean. But how has he done this in some very critical matters? By use of 'apostates'.

    Who revealed the org's whoring with the UN? Apostates.

    Who revealed the org's coverup and protection of sex offenders? Apostates.

    Who revealed the org's flip flops and Biblical/medical misrepresentations about blood? Apostates.

    Who got the US National Holocaust Museum to add wts publications to its library to ensure the truth is told? Apostates. (The org worked hard & was able to delay that for years, but we finally triumphed.)

    Why hasn't the Holy Spirit worked through the spirit-appointed, spirit-directed elders and gb to reveal and correct these matters?

    Does the Holy Spirit love and trust apostates more than the appointed leaders inside the org?

  • minimus

    And Jah used Judas Iscariot to keep his New Covenant intact.

  • yknot

    Why hasn't the Holy Spirit worked through the spirit-appointed, spirit-directed elders and gb to reveal and correct these matters?

    (Luke 16:13)13 No house servant can be a slave to two masters; for, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. YOU cannot be slaves to God and to riches.”

  • LV101

    apostates are to be commended ---- great post.

  • prophecor

    I guess Apostates fit the same bill as did Martin Luther in his day

  • wobble

    You may just have furnished the WT with an excuse for the perpetual loss of members, they could claim just what your thread title says dear Rebel8, that jah is using Apostates to weed out others of like disposition :

    "Isn't it wonderful that our great god can use His enemies to keep his Org clean ?" WT sometime later this year ?

  • ProdigalSon

    Why hasn't the Holy Spirit worked through the spirit-appointed, spirit-directed elders and gb to reveal and correct these matters?

    I liked Yknot's scriptural answer, but this one is good too....

    1 Corinthians 10:21- "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons."

  • DesirousOfChange

    Who got the US National Holocaust Museum to add wts publications to its library to ensure the truth is told? Apostates. (The org worked hard & was able to delay that for years, but we finally triumphed.)

    I guess I missed this one............... ????

  • drewcoul
    Who got the US National Holocaust Museum to add wts publications to its library to ensure the truth is told? Apostates. (The org worked hard & was able to delay that for years, but we finally triumphed.)


    Please elaborate.....I am not aware of this.

  • rebel8


    In a nutshell--someone from this forum met with officials from the US National Holocaust Museum to ask them to put the wts publicaitons in their library, the ones that proved the Nazi conciliation. wts objected and successfully pressured the museum to only include printouts from their own website, not their actual publications from the 1940s....which of course totally whitewashed the truth.

    I can't remember who it was now...maybe it's in that thread. He, in essence, loosened the lid of the jar and I came along a few years later and opened it. I started a petition and wrote to them a number of times. The museum agreed. They even bought books about the wts Nazi conciliation and put them in their library.

    Anyhoo.....Jah's org should have done it themselves. wobble....I guess my response, if that happened, would be then active dubs should be allowed to openly read and talk to apostates, as the wts is saying apostates are the beacons of truth.

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