Dear All,
I'm posting this message because I'm searching references in WT publications regarding the WT apology because the World War one began two months BEFORE the end of gentile times.
In fact, I found a reference in the "Finished Mystery" book from 1917 in the page 181 for Revelation 11:18 saying :
"For this reason they did not even wait for God's wrath to come, but began to bring it upon themselves nearly two months in advance. They became so angry that they began to destroy each other even before their lease of power had expired."
In the french edition, there is another reference for Revelation 13:5b saying (more or less) :
"...according to Pastor Russell's opinion, Nations were so angry that God let them go to war 2 months prior the chronologically date set."
I'm looking for same references in newest books and I found but I don't remember were !!!
I took all my books and it was impossible to retrieve this reference !!!
Perhaps they can be in the following books :
- "Your Will Be Done On Earth" (1958)
- "Let Your Name Be Sanctified" (1961
- "Babylon the Great Has Fallen" (1963)
- "Then Is Finished the Mystery of God" (1969)
You have to know that I have the WT cd-rom but the books I'm talking about were published before 1970.
I made files regarding the WT chronology and I need these references to show that this chronology is a big lie !!!
So I ask your help and thank you in advance for your replies.