Have the Watchtower Society ever printed that Satan had a part in removing God's name from the Bible?

by ThomasCovenant 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ThomasCovenant

    As per the title.

    I've had a quick look but cannot find any quotes specifically blaming Sate.

  • alanv

    I'm sure I have read somewhere that they said that. I will try to find out.

  • AnnOMaly

    Prynhawn da!

    w97 10/1 p. 14 par. 12 The Word of God Endures Forever

    "Other efforts to change the Scriptures involved more than rewording a few verses. These constituted an attack on the identity of the true God himself. The very nature and extent of the changes gave clear evidence of influence from a source more powerful than any individual man or human organization-yes, influence from Jehovah's archenemy, Satan the Devil. Yielding to that influence, translators and copyists-some eagerly, others reluctantly-began to remove God's own personal name, Jehovah, from his inspired Word in the thousands of places where it appeared."

  • 3Mozzies
    w97 10/1 p. 14 par. 12 The Word of God Endures Forever
    "Other efforts to change the Scriptures involved more than rewording a few verses. These constituted an attack on the identity of the true God himself. The very nature and extent of the changes gave clear evidence of influence from a source more powerful than any individual man or human organization-yes, influence from Jehovah's archenemy, Satan the Devil. Yielding to that influence, translators and copyists-some eagerly, others reluctantly-began to remove God's own personal name, Jehovah, from his inspired Word in the thousands of places where it appeared."

    So the bible god jehovah allowed satan to remove his name? Why would he allow such a thing?

    So the bible god jehovah couldn't stop satan removing his name from the bible? How does that make any sense? So satan is more powerful than the bible god jehovah.

    Welcome to JW thinking...

    [In the stream of things, it really doesn't matter as satan & jehovah only exist in peoples heads]

  • AnnOMaly

    w00 10/1 p. 8 par. 2 Bible Reading-Profitable and Pleasurable

    "As the Bible's Author, Jehovah God has preserved it through centuries of virulent opposition from its enemies, both religious and secular."

    w95 5/15 p. 28 What Is the Masoretic Text?

    "We have a firm basis for full confidence that Jehovah has preserved his Word. By the combined efforts of many sincere men over the centuries, the substance, the content, and even the details of the Bible's message are at our fingertips. Any slight changes in letter or word have not affected our ability to understand the Scriptures."

  • AnnOMaly

    [never mind]

  • donny

    JW's find the name issue in the New Testatment a difficult one to discuss. I remember quizzing the elders while I was still in the organization about this problem. On one hand they suggest that Satan was able to use his influence to succesfully remove every instance of the divine name from the New Testament, but then push back when one asks how the Supreme Being of the universe was not able to stop this travesty. It is a no win situation for them so any conversations started on this topic are quickly diverted to other topics that are easier to discuss.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you AnnOMaly. I have searched 2010 Cdrom but didn't see that one.

    As others have said, if they are admitting that Satan has altered the Bible then it surely follows that I can't trust it.

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