Does this remind you of any posters?
by JRK 5 Replies latest jw friends
As the mother of an autistic child, I didn't find this humorous in the least. More like "very offensive". 1 in 150 children nowadays is diagnosed with autism in it's many forms. There are a million other things in this world to laugh at. A person who is differently abled is NOT one of them.
I don't know which "poster" here you were referring to, nor do I care. The fact is, in order for this to "remind" you of anyone here, I have to assume you're speaking specifically about a person whom YOU think is "autistic" in that they are mentally challeneged or stupid. Things like this video and this thread only further the assumption that autistic people are dumb or lacking in some way and aren't deserving of common human decency and compassion. By poking fun at someone and saying they resemble someone with autism, you are, in effect, poking fun of the entire autistic community and it's supporters. SHAME ON YOU for drawing such a heartless comparison.
Yes, indeed - I loved the comedy skit (without meaning any offense for another human's suffering because I myself grew up with autism) - but not only does the skit do a clever job of illustrating what we frequently experience here on this board with certain posters but I couldn't help but feel it also illustrated those inside the WTS in their field service maneuvers - not always but often enough the comparison drew gales of laughter from me.
Mr. Falcon
yikes. I ain't going to say anything....
I'll go there. I finally found what Perry does for a living.
I hope that was your point. There's someone who can be bringing our attention to some of the tragedy out there (in Perry's case, the tragedy is that people can be so blind and stupid) but totally highlight the wrong point and actually think it's good news. When others try to help him see where his own focus is wrong, Perry totally ignores them or misses the point further.