Apocalypse WOW

by Mr. Falcon 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    After looking at the latest 2011 "God's Gonna Cut You Down" District Convention invite, I found myself getting a strange and familiar feeling. Back when I was mentally in the Borg, I used to actually get a bit intimidated by the "fire & brimstone" message on these things. And now that I've mentally unshackled myself, I am beginning to see the deep-seated psychological effect that a lifetime of dogma has infused in me. Such demons are not so easily shaken, it seems.

    Mr. Falcon will grab you and say,

    "Do you know that 'if' is the middle word in 'life'?

    The result is that even this invite makes me feel a little on edge. I even ashamedly admit that a tiny, tiny part of me is rationalizing, "What if the JWs are right? I'm going to die!" Go ahead and laugh, I'll wait....

    Done yet? Good. So after this little embarrassing moment of mental relapse, I began to wonder if Jehovah's Witnesses are unique in their apocalyptic babblings. One thing that always sort of brought me mental-soundness was when I stepped back and realized that many practices that JWs do actually aren't that much nuttier or stranger than any other "Christian" religion. For example, the Catholic church has clergy and confession. JWs have elders and judicial committees. The point is that although JWs try to act like they are completely unique in "True Worship", they are basically structured like any other religious organization.

    So, I was wondering, as I am wholly ignorant to the countless faiths that exist today - Are there any other major religions right now who have similiar apocalyptic doctrine regarding things such as the "Last Days" or "Daniel's naked beard guy dream statue"?

    Help ease a wearied mind.

  • leavingwt

    So, I was wondering, as I am wholly ignorant to the countless faiths that exist today - Are there any other major religions right now who have similiar apocalyptic doctrine regarding things such as the "Last Days" or "Daniel's naked beard guy dream statue"?

    Help ease a wearied mind.

    Yes. These groups are a dime a dozen.

    Put your mind to ease. WT has been claiming special knowledge of the End Times for more than 100 years. The first people to write that crap ARE ALL DEAD. One day, we'll all be DEAD and people will still be writing this crap. Their record proves one thing: IF there is any knowledge to be had, they don't have it.

    By the way, it's perfectly normal to have sudden thoughts of, "I know this is the Truth!" and "What if they are right?".

    Have you read Hassan's first book?

  • LostGeneration

    JWs do a pretty good job of hiding the fact that they are an apocalyptic cult to both those outside and in. They do this by not stating a specific date, and not publicly browbeating others that they are going to die and only witnesses are going to live. But if you peel back the layers, that is exactly what they are saying and doing.

    They have to do this to get the numbers. The cults that are very upfront in their rantings are usually much smaller, maybe a few thousand members at most.

    Your feelings are normal, I still get a tinge of "what if" when things like the Japan earthquake happen, but it quickly disappears when I put my rational hat on over my tin foil hat upbringing.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Mr Falcon, check this thread and the links:


    You'll see that people have been prophecying the end of the world since the day the world was born.

    @LostGeneration: I checked out the thread you suggested. Thanks

  • leavingwt

    You may enjoy this article at Free Minds.

    . . .

    Guilt is a good enforcer, but it won't work unless you can make people feel guilty about something. Note this subtle example: "Now that you have an understanding of God's purpose wouldn't you like to share it with others? We know God will destroy all wicked people shortly. Since we have knowledge of this we have a responsibility to warn others. If we don't do this God will find us bloodguilty at Armageddon. You wouldn't want to be held bloodguilty, would you?"

    Cults need a bogeyman. The Watchtower's bogeyman is Armageddon. Fear of eternal annihilation and fear of being found bloodguilty by God at Armageddon assures the continued service of the "faithful." Such fear adversely influences plans for marriage, college, careers, and the pursuit of happiness. It robs one's peace of mind and destroys one's quality of life.

    Fear is effectively used to attract new members as well. A little Bible prophecy, some statistics and current events, a few dates and the trap is set. Once the new convert buys into it, out jumps the bogeyman to motivate and manipulate.

    Cults don't offer a choice. The only choice is theirs. (Is sink or swim really a choice?) Groups using the Armageddon Syndrome sometimes even get physically dangerous. They may not wait for the apocalypse, but attempt to accelerate it, creating their own.

    . . .


  • JeffT

    I posted this yesterday. Leaving had it right, these people are all over the place.


  • palmtree67

    Those feelings happen less and less for me. I'm sure it will for you, too. Educating yourself helps ALOT.

    I've been out for 2+ years.


  • leavingwt

    What makes you think that we're living in the Last Days? Answer this honestly. Is it rooted in 607 BCE? Is it rooted in the lie that we're now experiencing more earthquakes? Is it because Peace & Security have at least been declared by Satan's human leaders?

    Why is it?

    Of all the BILLIONS of people that have ever lived on this planet, why do you think you're special enough to have been born into a special time? Did you win the cosmic lottery and end up in the JWs because you're more special than 2 billion Asians? Or, did your ZIP Code and your parents influence what religion you were baptized in?

  • leavingwt

    Let's imagine that Watchtower is the true religion, for the sake of this argument.

    Worst case scenario? Eternal death.

    Just as you weren't incovenienced with non-existence prior to your birth, Eternal death will not be an inconvenience, either.

    Is the anxiety worth it? Should you stress over something easier than a nap?

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    LW - thank you for that information!

    LG, Picard & JeffT - thank you for those links. I don't feel so silly now for worrying. Sometimes we think we are stronger and above certian things, but then our old ghost come back to haunt you.

    We may be through with the past, but the past ain't through with us....

    Palm - Thanks, love!


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