Well to tell everyone shortly and simple like rubbish! The 2 elders that were nice moved out and they were extremely friends and they saw that i had a hard time fitting me. But the other elders are proud and stuffed up i don't go out of the way as i used to, why should i go out my way to say hello and how are you to someone that does not want to talk to me, they have such dumb reason we are busy with theocratic stuff, ya right like every meeting for the past 2 years i been in the hall you never had a chance. Plus one elder each time i go in service makes fun of me, i just ignore him, it takes a lot to get me upset i'm a very calm person but he makes me want to punch him in the face! He says that my modern design is gay and that all that make modern things are gay i got really offend by that common and he said that modern design is stupid and I'm going to go hopeful to graphic or industrial design school and he says all those people that sign up are gay. Then there is other odd elders that is really odd. he always has something to say. i hate service and i love my iphone so i use it in between call when we are in the car. it keeps me alive from dying of boredom, then he says that i use my phone to much when he is on his phone like every 5 mins doing work! then they never tell me this conceal in private but to my crazy parents that make a ant hill a mountain sized problem. that odd brother just 2 days ago made a choice to sit next to me with his wife because there were no seats in the back and for no reason he starts shaking his leg up and down ..like he was humping the seat.. this is the craziness that i have to deal with. then the young ones in my hall hardly invite me anyway and i'm ignored i'm tried of having no friends. where is this brotherly love? i met one athlete from Slovenia during the Olympics she is super nice i even talked to her on skype just last week i thought she was upset because of some reason i was too friendly she broke her collar bone and i said if i where there i would bring her soup to feel better....well she was not upset and i told her part of the story and she is more of a friend then those people in the hall...
After being disappointed and being trample on like i'm some piece of waste. my parents blame on my of course, then one aussie sister from there group tried to explain it to my mom in service it's not like we don't want him in our company but we don't want him because he's just 3 years younger then us then . I hate the years waste i have so much more to tell it could fill a whole book! then my mom says it's just a test from the devil...i wonder what drug my mom is oni just want to rant a little here! upset better then punching a person!
by Snowboarder 9 Replies latest jw friends
Ask Elder #1 if he's gay because he's always taking about gays.
pirata may be but he's married.....that made my service like hell...i was hoping i could get some of the superpowers that say happen when you pratice yoga like you would fly,,,,ya right....if true i would do it 10 times a day just for sake of the demons helping me fly....
I saw from another thread that you're planning to go to university. Good for you! Things will be better when you can be independent.
If you hate service so much, can you stop pioneering? You can still be regular in the ministry each week if you want/need to.
I don't mind service too much because the people in my hall are almost all nice to be with. But in my old hall there was this one older brother who was really cranky rude and mean to his wife, and always knocked on the door, then made you take the door, but didn't tell you ahead of time. I used to dread working with him, but I'd always get assigned with him. Another older brother was a really bad driver, but I didn't know that so I went with him in service. He braked in front of a semi doing 70km/h down a hill. the semi swerved and missed us by a few inches. I could have been dead and never let him drive again.
Gay JWs usually hide it, and sometimes even get married to hide it.
Low-Key Lysmith
i wonder what drug my mom is on
The drug she is on is what Nietzche described as "The Opiate of the Masses".
I agree with Pirata...... he is hitting on you (potential pedophile!)
I am sorry they are being such dumbasses!
The good news is that you are intelligent and all you have to do is survive this tribulation until you can get out on your own......you can do that, it will suck balls but it is doable....... then move out and on, busy yourself with your studies, worldlie associations, and career path!
giggles here is an evil thought...... go out and fornicate right before you leave for Uni....confess to the CO and blame it on that brother for constantly suggesting you were gay!....feign serious stumbling......(nah...forget that idea, just get good grades, get accepted to Uni and go visit your non-jw relatives....they can be a nice replacement support system!)
Broken Promises
Just because a person is gay (or has gay tendencies) doesn't make them a pedophile.
But the constant references to being gay does make me wonder if he's inclined that way.
well just to give more info on the first cause it was in service early morning bus stop type thing and the brother elder asked me what type of house i would like to live in and i told him a modern house with a modern design glass and stainless steal. then he went on the mention how i was odd why i don't like old herritage house, i just told him it's not my thing it's ok to see i guess but i rather have open concept house with lot's of sunshine, then he sad i was odd and that gay people love those house and they design them, his wife was next to him luckly she has some sence and said to him to not stop it and everyone has a right to a opintion, latter 2 days latter he went to my dad to say sorry for his comments he said he was only joking...anyway that person manytimes says i'm to serioius for my age and says i know to much like some nerd..it gets me on my nevers when some one calls me a nerd beacuse i love the outdoors and i'm crazy for sports like snowboarding and ski cross and hikking and mountain climbing. this brother i could say so many mean things about him but i don't he's fat overweight and lazy and has a sterotype view of teenagers.... he also things i'm odd beacuse i know my cheese and love the finer things of life..well those fine things are common in europe and that's what i know!
Sweety you have a marvelous vision for you ideal home!
Just keep yourself together until you can slip away to your dorm!!!