DA Letters

by Ding 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    To the elders and ex-elders on the board:

    Does the WT have any instructions to elders about reading or not reading all the contents of the DA letters people submit?

    I'm thinking that the Society may not want elders looking at the reasons and "apostate literature" a DAing person might submit in support of their letter...

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I can find no mention in particular to reading a letter of DA or not, in wt rules and regulations.

    However, the judicial committee is interested in only if the person requests to dissassociate himself or not.

    They would be unlikely to read a letter, carefully looking to see if his new views are founded or not in the


    They "flee" from apostasy, so would, in my opinion, be unlikely to read all the details.

    Remember, they are three. Even if one were curious, he would be unlikely to admit it in front of the others.

    All details would then be put in a sealed envellop and kept indefinitley, so unlikely, too, that the envellop would

    be reopened later, to be read by a curious elder.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you wanted them to read the entire letter, you would have to find a way to be very vague and hide your announcement of disassociation.

    I would suggest "teasers" within the sentences you want them to read:

    "I was unsure if I could remain in the faith upon my reading of the overlap generation."
    "I prayerfully examined my spiritual path after learning about the pedophile issue- let me tell you why."

    In the end, two or three elders would scour such a letter and it would be filed away, never to be looked at again. If you write such a letter, it's mainly for you. If it satisfies you, simply write "I am no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses!" or something similar.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Trust me..........those 3 elders don't give a sh!% what you put in your DA letter other than "I no longer want to be considered one of JWs."

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