So, I'm being shanghied into going to this "Special Talk" dubs got going on tommorow. And while riding in the car I ask, simply:
"What is the special talk about?"
"It says: Bible principles- Can they help us cope with today's problems?"
Then I ask "Isn't that their stance anyway? That if we just follow the bible people's problems will go away?"
"Well that's just one of many. If people would just follow the bible......"
(At this point I can see the train being derailed because nowhere in that question was I making the point that this was the only stance. Red Herring and Strawman much?)
"I'm not saying that's the only stance, I'm saying that this is something that they tell people over and over."
(Basically trying to get her to see that her lil special talk, the one that I have to be dragged off to, is NOT special at all. You can't sell something for $49.99, 364 days of the year and then on the 365th sell it for $49.99 and call it a special. But I digress, back to the convo. I must have dealt some kind of personal blow because she, right on schedule launches into....)
"You always talkin' 'bout nothing. You need to worry about (some personal problems I'm having).........."(Ad Hominem)
I'm sitting there like WTF? No really............WTF? How did we get here from there? She should have just said "Yes, that is a frequent stance we have." But wow, such fury all because to admit to herself that the special talk is just more of the same would friggin' break her brain? The WTB(S)TS says it's special and dammit, that's just how it is, even though we beat people over the head and spinkle this same message, along with several other ones throughout the year. She doesn't just do this with dub topics either. I can't talk to her because somehow, someway she always steers whatever convo I have with her into personal attacks on me. I mean, I could be talking about Toyota or something and I wish I was lying, but since I'm in a bad way right now (which incidently they helped create) I think she feels that I have no say even when she's dead ass wrong. So when I challenge her belief about something, anything, she can't win the arguement unless she goes down "really old, really fast avenue". And even in this case, we were on the same page when she said "That's just one of many". So the personal attack was not because we didn't agree on this being their stance, no. We got into it because I questioned the validity of this being a special talk?