Found this interesting post, you may like to read what's going on in Cyprus..
The Elders are onto us!
posted on Monday, February 07, 2011 in Apostates, Disfellowshipping, The Elders
The elders smell blood |
As many of you who read this blog know, both King Agag and I are still active Jehovah's Witnesses. We have not been disfellowshipped yet as it's our goal to help as many Jehovah's Witnesses as possible leave this terrible cult. We can't do that if we're disfellowshipped, therefore, we've had remain on, suffering the swirling hypocrisy that exists within the publishing company cult.
We've never disclosed our real names on this blog or on our other unsuccessful blog, Atheists Weekly, which I know is a drag. We get tons of emails from people either asking for advice or to telling us we're the sons of the Devil. Yet, we can't even stick our names on the replies.
Anyway, I don't want to bore you any longer. I just thought it wise to let you all know what's happening at the moment.
It seems as though a colleague of both King Agag's and I has contacted the elders and told them about our apostatic ways. This, as you can imagine, has infuriated us both, for it looks as though they are now onto us, meaning we will not be able to assist those in the Kingdom Halls that have in their own secret way, asked questions they really shouldn't be asking.
At the moment the elders have asked us to meet with them. I haven't and neither do I wish to. So it looks as though we're at a stalemate. The ball is firmly in their court.
I'll update you all on this little charade as soon as anything else happens.
All I will say is that our colleague which informed the elders has since apologised for his behaviour. We have accepted his apology, but let this be a lesson to all of you; trust no one! If you want to leave the Jehovah's Witness cult and want to take the same route as we have taken, be very careful!
As for the elders, well, if you're reading this, you should know who we are by now, although saying that, elders' aren't chosen by the levels of their intelligence, so anything's possible. Try and do you worst. All I want to say is that the dirt we have on you is beyond what you think normal, therefore, go ahead and try and destroy our families by having us disfellowshipped. Just know that what will follow in the local press and media, will have you running to the snowy hills. at Monday, February 07, 2011
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5 Responses to “The Elders are onto us!”
Lacy says:
- February 8, 2011 12:34 PM
If you were going to try to deny the charge, posting it probably wasn't the best idea. If not, the two of you being DFed might be the best way to help others. There is no way you won't be disfellowshipped. They will cry "apostate" and have you out as fast as they can. I was DFed for "not obeying the elders". Pretty darn positive that isn't one of the scriptural reasons for disfellowshipping, but when they want someone out, they will do it any way they can. The good news for you is that gossip in the Organization spreads faster than wild fire. You just need to start telling people before they are officially no longer allowed to speak to you. You tell them about your blog and they'll tell others(even if just to warn them). In this way, all those people who are curious, confused, or questioning the JW ways will log on and finally discover the truth. So chin up and start spreading the Word (as a JW, you should be good at that). And you will be amazed at the weight that is lifted from you when you are finally set free from the Organization!
- February 8, 2011 12:34 PM
Anonymous says:
- February 8, 2011 4:50 PM
Things are about to get real!!! Better plan on how to reach the largest number of brothers before they kick you out, they'll do it for sure!! I myself am planning the way I'll let all my brothers and family know the truth in a short period of time before they kick me out. I haven't been active for three years now, but the brothers love me so much that they think I'm just confused and that I'll go back eventually. I don't want to be related to the JW in any way, but I'll like to give my brothers a bit of everything I know before leaving. I'm thinking about writing a letter with my motives for leaving the organization and handing a copy to all my brothers, they'll sure hate me after that. I gotta start with my family first though, that I'll start fairly soon.
- February 8, 2011 4:50 PM
Teeny Pyjamas says:
- February 9, 2011 1:42 PM
Hi Lacy,
Thanks for your comment. The thing is, they've had so many opportunities to disfellowship us, yet they choose not to. Even if they suspect that this is our site, they can't prove it in any way.
Anyway, since I posted the above article on Monday, we've not heard anything from them, which either means they still are trying to piece the puzzle together, or they are as I thought, useless, unintelligent elders.
In this part of the world (Greek-speaking), the elders are useless. They have so many skeletons in their closet to. For instance, one is gay. Now, I've got nothing against anyone's sexuality, but it does offend me when he's on the platform giving talks and telling the younger ones to be never give into homosexual feelings and the sort. Did I mention he's the Circuit Overseer?
So you see, if they were going to do anything, they would have done it by now.
I'll keep you posted.
Teeny - February 9, 2011 1:42 PM
Anonymous says:
- February 12, 2011 3:06 AM
Watchtower organization is on foreclosure now. Did you know that? they are hepless, they are begging people to stay in their organization. Even if they find out your real identification they will not disfellowship you. I, personnally sent my letter of dissassociation to the new-york branch since last August 2010,can you believe the elders from my local congregation are still trying to make me come back. They are just waisting their time. I have no regret at all after I left this dangerous ,untruthfull cult.
- February 12, 2011 3:06 AM
Anonymous says:
- February 12, 2011 6:07 AM
I'm about one lap behind you brother and gaining fast- hang in there. I have a blog of my own to blow off steam and hopefully alert a few Witnesses strong enough to think for themselves. We can't trust anyone among them. And the sad thing is that the Matrix has got them and they don't even know they are caught in it.
- February 12, 2011 6:07 AM
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