I just had to share this weird dream I had last night. Just because I rarely remember my dreams, and this one felt so real that I was really proud of my mind coming up with it! LOL And it's all thanks to the "Word of the day" thread. One small word triggered that.
So here's my dream. I'm sitting at a restaurant with the girl I'm currently dating. We then decide to go back to my place to watch a movie. Lot of weird stuff happens on the way, sort like interruptions in the dream. Finally I'm getting close to home and I see the moon on the horizon. What's weird is that the moon looks to gradually start getting larger. I point it out to my date and stare at it in awe. I said to myself it must that time of year.
This part is where I can remember being so real. The Earth starts to shake and I immediately think it's an earthquake, and all of the sudden one of my neighbors who is walking by is pulled out the window and I get pulled back also but against the wall. I can feel the force that has me against the wall. I can't move and the ground is shaking and a lot of debris flying by me out the window... Then I realize it's the Moon that has gotten to close to Earth! lol
Man, that would make a great movie. So this morning I was trying to think what could've triggered that dream. Of course it was the word that I've put on the word of the day thread: Perigee.
So, have any of you had any weird/normal dreams that were forum related? Or any crazy dreams as mine?