Puzzle time
by PopeOfEruke
5 Replies
I thought it would be nice if everyone wasted a bit more time at work so here is a cool puzzle.
You have only the numbers 1 to 9, (there is no zero).
Once you use a number it can't be used again.
Make 3 fractions which when added together equal 1.
The denominator of each fraction must consist of 2 digits.
1/23 + 4/56 + 7/89 = 1.
(Thats not the correct answer by the way!!)
The Pope
can I post the answer now?
that was easy!!!
I will think about this one for a while

"In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
you certainly look smart in your photo, but not that smart.
Post the answer once we have driven a few more of the memebers here to total frustration.
The Pope
Well done, Grave Dancer.
You are welcome to dance on my grave anytime.
The Pope
Oh I forgot to tell you:
First prize is a 1 Year subscription to (you guessed it) : The Watchtower AND Awake!!!
You lucky lucky bastard.
The Pope