I just posted this the other day, but here goes again:
By the way, right now I am the sole administrator of all NEW Commentary Press books (Crisis of Conscience,In Search of Christian Freedom, and CJ. Jonsson's The Gentile Times Reconsidered and probably will be for awhile.
Therefore my books will always have the lowest new price. You can get them from Freeminds at:
or an Amazon.com at:
The Free Minds Store:
or on eBay at:
These are my stores.
For downloads of Crisis of Conscience from Commentary Press, go here:
I have 40 Crisis books brand new paperback in stock. The hardcover is the previous third edition, so I don't stock it.
Don't pay $45 for Crisis or $800 for In Search!
and please don't rip off Cynthia Franz by sharing the PDF file of Crisis.
We no longer carry Sign of the Last Days, which Commentary Press no longer had an inventory of, but you can buy it at Amazon for $38 new at:
I just noticed my listing for The Gentile Times Reconsidered is $24.95 and the rest are used from $40 to $499 for a new copy!
In Search of Christian Freedom is not even available from others on Amazon.com, though some were selling it for $899 before I put up my store. :-))
Now that I am temporarily out of Crisis, only one is avail. (earlier version) new for $79.95 and the used ones start at about $50!
Vultures. Buy from friendly animals like Dogz.

Randy Watters