Check Proverbs 13:22--
One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons, and the wealth of the sinner is something treasured up for the righteous one.
Bear in mind that this comes right from their own Bible! Right out of the Not Well Translated version. Notice that this seems to be a direct order that anyone that is good must leave an inheritance to children and grandchildren. Which is pretty difficult to do if one is skipping all those good job opportunities and/or wasting resources on gas and Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund donations. They go bashing materialism, claiming that people are happiest at or just above the poverty line where they can save nothing and invest nothing--hence, leaving nothing for an inheritance.
Notice also that it does not mention leaving an inheritance to the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery. Yet, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger consistently insists on leaving everything to that organization. Leave your assets to the Washtowel. Put them in your will. What that does is cuts out your children and grandchildren right out of your will--going directly against this scripture. And that is right out of their favorite part of the Bible--the Old Testament! Jesus himself verified it by illustrating that people ought to be multiplying their wealth, not just storing it as dead wood (let alone wasting it pio-sneering, dogging earning it by working part-time so you can pio-sneer, or giving it all to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund).
And investing so you can leave an inheritance that is actually going to be worth something? True, I didn't buy even one ounce of silver for religious reasons (discounting slapping the Washtowel in the face when they had that self-righteous pig bashing investment silver as "too worldly"). But, when they are bashing investment silver (which will hold its value, even though the banks keep molesting the price of paper "silver"), are they even allowing the members to leave an inheritance to children and grandchildren? Remember, a degree of materialism is required if one is to have anything worth leaving to children and grandchildren.
Of course, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger will hear nothing of that sort. They insist that, even if one can use their own Bible to prove their doctrines wrong (as I just did here), one is supposed to go by and TEACH the bad doctrine (that all materialism is bad) until the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself changes it (usually to something even worse). And, by then, it will be too late. Do you act ahead of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger and get a decent job while silver is still something that remotely resembles affordable, or do you wait for them to act and by then hyperinflation will have destroyed your wealth? Or, worse yet, it will all end up in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund? For once, the Bible itself (even their own Bible) is common sense--it makes sense to live well and leave your children and grandchildren a decent inheritance whether you are Christian, Muslim, an Eastern religion, atheist, or a Devil worshiper. But, as usual, the Jehovah's Witlesses defy such common sense.