Nut Art

by InterestedOne 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • InterestedOne

    Here and there I've run across a couple articles that refer to WT art as "nut art." However, when I do a google search for this term, I mainly find websites about art literally made with nuts, like pistachios, etc. Is there actually a genre of art called "nut art," and are there any websites that discuss it and provide examples of non-WT as well as WT? If there are no websites about it, and if such a genre exists, I welcome any further information on it.

  • LostGeneration

    Are you looking for "nutty" pictures where JWs depict Armageddon? Or there are conspiracy theorists that say the WT puts hidden pictures of the debil into their art.

  • InterestedOne

    LG - It's not that I'm specifically looking for nutty WT pictures, although examples are certainly relevant to my question. Also, I'm not really looking for that conspiracy stuff either. I was wondering, among people who are into art, if there is a genre called "nut art," and was curious to see WT alongside other art that falls under that category, if it exists, as well as a possible discussion of it as a genre.

  • WontLeave

    This is exactly the type of wording that causes religious discord. One faction will start a sect claiming "nut art" is art made by nuts, like Vincent Van Gogh or Jackson Pollock. Another will split off claiming "nut art" is art depicting nuts - is this a still life of a bowl of healthy snacks or a portrait of an insane person? Some will claim orthodoxy is the art in question is made of nuts, with offshoots claiming the nuts are hardware, while others will claim they are tree seeds.

    Stop trying to start holy wars!

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Ask and ye shall receive...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Funny you should ask, InterestedOne!

    See link in first post.


  • InterestedOne

    CoCo - Thanks for the link. Do you think it is just a term that Bruce Lewis, the author of that post, made up for his own collection, or have you heard the term used elsewhere?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi again, InterestedOne:

    This was my first encounter with that specific term.

    So much has been written on WT art, and the debate over an alleged hidden and evil agenda rages on. I have another link for you, this one on WT iconography. Interesting but not exactly related to you query. Will look it up.

    I'll contact you if I have more information later.


  • compound complex

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