Love-bombing - the best deterrent of all time.

by easyreader1970 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    My wife was recently in a car accident. She's okay, but was incapacitated for a few days because of the injuries. She missed a couple of meetings. On a Sunday, they made an announcement about my family possibly needing some things like food, snacks, etc. That Sunday afternoon was like the miltary had been called in. The phone rang non stop all day as hordes of people from the congregation came by to check on everyone, hug my wife, and shower us with enough food, cooked and unprepared, to last us into the next millenium. Further evidence of the kindness of the Jehovah. The people on her job with whom she works for 8 hours every day barely bought her a get well card.

    My wife isn't an idiot. She chooses not to dwell on things that simply do not make sense about the Organization. I used to try to talk to her about my concerns years ago but after she kept thinking I was going apostate, I pulled back. But it is things like this that make me realize that it doesn't matter if she honestly considered my points or not.

    As long as the congregation is well-skilled at love-bombing, logic and critical thinking fly right out of the window. A very long time ago, my wife told me that if it somehow turned out that the Witnesses weren't right or if she found out it was all just a sham, she'd probably just kill herself or go crazy because it is the only reality she knows or that makes sense to her.

    There really isn't a point to this post. I just felt like writing it out.

  • LostGeneration

    I understand what you are saying.

    In my situation, the GB could say we have new light, and we will now be worshipping the devil. But because of "friends" and "love" then some of my closest relatives would still be JWs.

  • Refriedtruth

    It's that way with many many groups clans,the nazi skinheads arayan brotherhood other churches,marine corp,greek spartan warriors certainly the cults been that way for thousands of years.

    some will love bomb you right to your destruction

    Google - love bombing

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos


    There's certainly no love boming in the the gropus you named. All of those gropus(except for churches) treat you like a second class citizen when you first join and try to kill you when you leave(or in the case of the military, go awol doing war time).

  • jamiebowers
    The people on her job with whom she works for 8 hours every day barely bought her a get well card.

    In all fairness, what kind of relationship has your wife developed with her co-workers? Does she shy away from associating with them, because they are "worldly"?

    As long as the congregation is well-skilled at love-bombing, logic and critical thinking fly right out of the window.

    When my husband was in the hospital, many of our neighbors and his customers did tremendous things to help us. Does that mean they all have the true religion?

  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    Ah Yes, witness love is overwhelming, until your numbers and attendance start to slide then your worse than dog sh&*.

    funny thing is if you actually left the jw's and she stayed with you no one would give her the time of day, except to show her a little pity for living with a inactive husband. i doubt they would make any anouncements

  • CoonDawg

    This brings to mind what happened when my mom was in her last months....the JW sisters really tried to be there for her to help with watching after her. Those sisters showed some real fellow feeling for mom and a sense of human kindness that reflects the best that humans have to offer. However, Mom's coworkers were also there for her. On several occasions, her whole department came to visit her at the hospital and even made a few excursions to my house to have lunch with her. To me, it was a testament, not of people's devotion to an invisible sky voyeur; rather, it was a testament to how well my Mom related to people and the positive impact that she had on their lives. For those women from the Kingdom Hall who helped Mom, it's proof positive that - no matter what their religion may have been, they would have shown such kindness.

  • Butterflyleia85

    That is what I think is holding everyone of my family members on my mom's side... the love bombing.

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