If you believe in a god who made everything then that HAS to mean that you believe in evolution.....because GOD evolved from nothing. Prehaps evolution is the real creator..
Evolution Produced GOD?
by foolsparadise 8 Replies latest jw friends
Are you trolling? I can't tell for sure. LoL.
God, if he existed, is by most definitions eternal. To evolve from nothing would require having a beginning.
Trolling? lol
You can always be a part time troll... I've been known to dabble (though not on this site). LoL.
God did evolve, from the promordial soup of pre-writing myth, through the tribal Gods to the God of the Jews and then the God of the Christians, He continued to evolve for the 2000 years since Jesus walked the dusty roads of Palestine, and continues to evolve.
One day, maybe, the "God gene" will be totally eradicated from the human race, and we can progress to being responsible inhabitants of this planet, not ones who blame a sky-daddy for all the woes, but people prepared to solve the problems, in love and compassion.
One day, maybe, the "God gene" will be totally eradicated from the human race, and we can progress to being responsible inhabitants of this planet, not ones who blame a sky-daddy for all the woes, but people prepared to solve the problems, in love and compassion.
While I agree that people need to stop blaming God, or anything else, for OUR messes and start fixing things that are OUR responsibility ( whic is part of our job as humans according to Genesis by the way), even Nitsche warned about what will happen if we "eradicate God" from human consciousness.
Evolution requires replication with modification, so no...god couldn't evolve from nothing.
If we are talking about an "always been here" god, than no. Other gods may have evolved in a sense, though. And the God CONCEPT certainly has evolved with time. Then again, if we can imagine that not everything must have a creator, than we don't need to look to god as the creator "of all things." Himself, the exception to the rule.
God could be a spirit. Man cant put spirits in boxes and examine them. Man knows very little about spirits.
We could be God having material experiences entertaining ourselves, that is my favorite theory.
If we absolutely positively knew we were God, it wouldnt be entertaining.
If you put yourself in a box and have a small view of possibilities and only consider a part of what man knows
about matter, then I guess you could say evolutioin produced God.