I was watching a brilliant David Attenborough documentary on the island of Madagascar. It's an island east of the African continent, divided in two by a mountain range, into a wet, rainforest half and a dry, desert-like half.
In the dry part of the island, grows the baobab tree. It is a tree which grows in several continents which experience low rainfall, including Africa, Australia, and the Arabian Peninsula.
It's unique in the sense that its trunk can hold up to 120,000L/32,000USgallons of water, growing up to 30metres high.
So it raises the question, if God created the earth to be a Paradise, where there'd never be a drought, why were these trees created with the ability to store water? Why don't ALL trees do the same?
ps. More information on the baobab tree can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adansonia