Venting. Stupid JayDub Parents.

by Iconoclast 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Iconoclast

    My brother will be getting one of those quite soon. He's getting ready to marry the "worldly" girl he's dated for 4 years. He's not been to any meetings in 4 years and has no plans on returning. My father has refused to meet her up to a week ago. Now that my brother plans on joining contract work oversees, he is going to marry her before he goes in mid-August. My father is laying it on thick, saying my brother has OBLIGATIONS to God, that he doesn't approve and that my brother should turn himself around. He told him that he's going to die in the Big A because of this girl.

    My bro is pretty laid back and it takes a lot to get him pissed. He's seething now. He thought he was making headway with my father, actually having a meal with my bro's girlfriend and all of the rest of the normal family. But he just sank right back into his "If she's not a Witness, she should be nothing to you" way of thinking.

    And what's most infuriating about all of this? My dad has openly admitted that if she were a JayDub, he would have no problem with her, that she is a great girl!


    Oh, and one more thing, my bro is doing contract work with the military. My father told him that he needs to "write to Society" to ask how this would effect his neutrality. He's told all of us kids that we need to pressure my bro into doing this. I told him to screw off and leave it alone and it's none of the "Society's" business what my lil bro does for work. Why would it matter to nine old farts what a boy in South is doing for work? They don't know him and they don't give a crap.

  • Iconoclast

    With the "getting one of those quite soon remark", it was in reference to the Special Needs talks on Thursday. Sorry. All of my post didn't go through.

  • unshackled

    I hear ya Iconoclast. I married a wonderful 'worldy' girl last summer. Sent my JW parents an invite. Never heard a word from them. My youngest sister (doesn't want to be JW) was living at home at the time...she didn't even know I had sent the invite. They wouldn't even acknowledge it and just threw it out apparently.

  • Iconoclast

    Such jerks! I'm so pissed right now. I'm sick of the stupid banter! It's like they refuse to get it. We're not Jaydubs! We will never be!

    I have a cousin that told me that I need to "confess" to the elders that I no longer want to be a witness. Haven't been to a meeting in over a year. Cousin isn't a witness either. She grew up around it. But for some reason, she says I need to tell them instead of fade. She's adament about it. Screw that. Why should I have some group of Janitors-by-Day-Kings-By-Night tell me I can't talk to my friends and family because I don't agree with their religon.

    My father keeps telling my bro he's going to be df'ed. I kinda wish we all were. Maybe they'd leave us alone.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Rant on, bro!

    It's healthy to let this stuff out. JWs keep it all in, except for when they're gossipping about someone, and they end up sick, depressed, on meds.

  • LostGeneration

    THe more stories I read like this, the more I think of Outlaw's "Watchtarded" rants. Just fits so perfectly with how some of their brains function.


  • Iconoclast

    Watchtarded fits so well. And they tend to be retard strong in "zeal" too. God I want to smack them!

    And every time I have to visit with my Watchtard family, all they have to say is how horrible this world is, how it's going to be SOOOOO nice when it's "clean" of us scum. WTF ever.

    Everytime I see think about that "You have OBLIGATIONS" I want to drive over to my dad's house and smack the tard outta him. It's too firmly lodged in there though. It would be futile.

  • cult classic
    cult classic
    He told him that he's going to die in the Big A because of this girl.

    It never ends, does it? Good grief.

  • serenitynow!


  • strymeckirules

    it is sadly impressive how stubborn some witness become.

    they are the biggest drama queens out there. they always uphold their society influenced ideals over being decent human beings.

    To miss out on your childs wedding to make a statement for your religion takes some serious dedication.

    they think they will be commended by god someday for standing firm when thier son or daughter married a "non-believer".

    crazy one dimensional thinking. they are so scared about the "consequenses" of your actions that they don't want to be any part of it when god or jesus shows up. thier fears become thier punishment to you. and its all due to them being "programmed" that way by the jdubs. only jdubs will be saved in a jdubs mind.

    my folks never met my girlfriend of 7 years.

    my parents attempted to not show at my brothers kindom hall wedding because they didn't approve of his choice of wife. she was approved by the congregation enough to allow a KH wedding, but she didn't stand up in my parents eyes. they did show up at the last minute because the elders pressure on them, then my mother threatened my bros wife to be and then we proceded with the wedding. they didn't go to the reception.

    jdubs are crazy, unintelligent, unreasonable, lack common sense and basic human decency. they are robots and have been programmed. if your programming failed, be thankful.

    good luck!

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