With so many groups and individuals in even just our lifetime, let alone going back 150 years or more, predicting and consistently getting the times wrong for the great tribulation and armageddon as well as the rapture etc,
Is it any surprise that the masses reject the message from any of the current crop of 'prophets'?
To mention just a few that i am aware of, our own obves and lars as well as Harold Camping, Gordon Ritchie, and Second Adventists incl JWs for example, and i know there are many many more. Some of these people and groups are downright clever. The charts and proofs can bamboozle the most ardent student, they can impress the with shear effort put into constructing elaborate theories.
Just how is the common man, IF he is interested, to sort through so much rubbish and speculation, charts and timetables, numerology and decoding, visionary interpretations and the like to actualy find 'truth'? Surely it is impossible. These ones, releigions and individuals must surely be accountable in the eyes of any god they claim to be following.
Should the biblical armageddon ever actually come, and hordes of incredulous non believers be wiped out, these ones must be prepared to bare bloodguilt for misleading the many. Sure, the bible says many will say ''where is this... why things have always been like this''...etc, but why are people ridiculing these end time doomsday prophets?
Because they are so consistenty wrong, time and time again, over and over again they recalculate, go back to their precious book of gobbledegook and come up with some new date. On top of this bloodguilt should one of these groups actually prove to be accurate, should be placed the very god they claim propogated their teaching. Simply put, this 'god' is unwilling to give clear concise information to people, instead it seems, to rely on some individual suddenly having an epiphany about unlocking the code of Daniel or something at the 11th hour in mankinds history.
They are making christianity a mockery. They are the self fullfilling prophecy. Create the ridicule and claim it proves them right when it happens.