There is absolutely nothing "discreet" about the old "Governor's Body". They parade themselves around like celebrities, show up to give talks in foreign countries where they don't even speak the language, and plaster their pictures all over their magazines. They also make more references to themselves than any sane group people in their right mind ever should. So, they certainly aren't discrete. And when you consider all of their "consolidating" of the branches, and all the people (some of whom are old and lack secular work experience) who are now being thrown out onto the street, they certainly aren't faithful.
But let's focus on discrete. When I hear the word discrete, I think of someone who shows discretion, caution, and humility. They show none of these things! They're glory hogs, constantly tooting their own horn! They brag about themselves, and presumptously claim to be God's only channel of communication with the human race. They make grandiose predictions about the future which repeatedly fail. Where is the caution? Where is the discretion? What about them is discreet? The individual members of the GB even have to make sure their names are printed and that they're talked about in Watchtower publications! Why all the attention to these men who are supposed to be nothing more than humble servants?
Concerning the quality of discretion, they ought to take a page out of the playbook of the "undercover" apostates at Bethel. Now those guys are discreet! Quiet as church mice, they go about their business anonymously and inconspicuously, providing us with the "food at the proper time"...
Perhaps they are the true faithful and discreet slave?