"Well, I understand your frustration with religion/god/bible/Christianity/etc. After all you had been raised in a 'false' religion. Too bad you have turned your back on religion/god/bible/Christianity/etc, and are unable to see the 'real truth' of religion/god/bible/Christianity/etc due to your jaded view now!"
Or substance thereof.
Seems as if every friendship I have struck with a Christian [on this board, on FB, out in the non-digital world] has gone just like that.
This last week I pointed out to one of my friends that lunacy of Harold Camping and his rapture date [today]. And the reply I heard was, in essence, the above. I am particularly bothered when it is a former Jw who is saying such things. Can't they see that they have just changed the object of their loyalty, but continued to use the same delusional mindset?
Christian: "Oh, I have the real truth now - I left the 'false' truth behind."
Me: "Do you worship the same god now?"
Christian: "Yes, but I have found him to be soooooo much different than the god I worshiped in the former'truth'. So perhaps I should say no, it is not the same god at all"
Me: "But didn't you find him in the same book?"
Christian: "Yes, but I understand that book now. God is not like we thought he was back in the other 'truth'."
Me: "But didn't you leave the other 'truth' because of 'men's interpretation of God'?"
Christian: "Yes."
Me: "And so how is god interpreted now for you?"
Christian: "I have come to know him according to the Bible's real explanation of him now."
Me: "But couldn't your 'new truth' explanation/understanding be just as flawed, or more so, than your former 'truth' about god?"
Christian: "Oh no. I have come to know him now."
Me: "You didn't think you had come to know him then?"
Christian: "Yes, but that explanation was flawed."
On and on and on yadda yadda.
Dizziness soon overtakes me due to the circular reasoning used to promote a newer and better understanding/relationship either inside or outside religion. And they all feel so sorry FOR ME.