So, my grandparents don't know i'm going to visit, them i think this is going to be the best surprise for them ever since i live in Canada and they live in Europe, it will be out of the blue. I'm going with my uncle. I have not seen my family for 5 years, so i miss them a ton and we have lots to talk about. Any ideas how to surprise my cousins and aunts, I'm 100% sure going to surprise my other uncle by going to his work place and pretending to be a client until he recognizes me, he has his own company. I can't wait i'll post pictures of my city i'm going to!
Biggest Surprize for my Family
by Snowboarder 8 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
I'm so excited for you!
I have family in Europe, too, who I'd love to visit.
Hey that sounds great dude! . . . reconnecting is going to be a blast . . . I have no doubt you will benefit heaps from this experience. Keep us posted . . . when do you leave?
Yeah, when you yell "Surprise!" don't pronounce it "Surprize!!!11!!!"
White Dove
Yeah, and don't forget to add "Scheiss" to the end of every sentence!
Yeah, when you yell "Surprise!" don't pronounce it "Surprize!!!11!!!" Yeah, and don't forget to add "Scheiss" to the end of every sentence!
I made a typo, so what, i was rushing......Hey White Dove keep the language clean.
Snowboarder, this is awesome! Hope you have a great time. I would love to see the pics too. When will you be going? It will be good for you to get away for a while (a break from your parents). There are lots of way to surprise your family. You could show up at your Aunt's house with a big bouquet of flowers. You could call ahead and with a foreign accent say you have a special delivery and when would be a good time to drop round to the house? Can you fake an Italian or Indian or Scottish or French accent? That would be hilarious.
Your post makes me so happy for you!
I told you things would improve.
Black Sheep
Great move. I wish you a wonderful time with them.