George Bush makes a $Killing$ on the mash potatoes circuit, $110,000.00 a pop
by designs 3 Replies latest social current
So does Clinton and Carter. Clinton is reported to have earned more than $65 million in speaking fees. Former Presidents get paid lots of money to speak.
According to this article Clinton's take is 150K per. I haven't noticed anybody complaining about that.
Long gone are the days when Harry Truman had to make do on his $12,000-$15,000 a year Army pension. Congress eventually gave Harry some money, and now the President gets a pension.
Band on the Run
I can see paying Clinton, regardless of party, because he is extremely intelligent and has fascinating insight. His presidency was not a failure. He doesn't discuss it but his impeachment will stand out for all time. He is sexy. Not him, but his credentials and accomplishment.
George W. Bush was a failure. He is not intelligent. Although I always felt he was much smarter than people gave him credit. He did not have a gilded mouth the way Obama does. If he displayed insight, he'd be compelling and worth the money. Maybe he will critique himself more as time goes on. I haven't seen him join the Bush Clinton Initiative either so what he is doing charitably.
I figure some towns never see a president. DC, NY, LA, Boston, Chicago are used to it.
Richard Nixon did a lot of business lecturing in retirement and disgrace. He would never admit to crimes or gigantic mistakes with Watergate so it was more a raconteur of not very relevant stories. I have yet to read a presidential memoir. A historian or journalist brings more insight. If these books were free, I'd read them. They are self-serving.
C-Span has plenty of stuff for free - if one has cable.