Question to w'ever went to this weeks service metn

by BATHORY 2 Replies latest jw friends


    G'Day all ;

    I heard something interesting from the platform at tonights servo meeting, it was the 2 nd section on witnessing.

    A question to any that may have been to theirs, our brother was going on about how some say millions in say india and china etc will never get the preaching message etc etc we have all heard that before, BUT then asked us to turn to mat 24 : 14. An elderly sister read it, in a tone that denoted that she had read it 1 million times before, then the brother said that the greek word for preaching used there actually means to HERALD.

    Hmm, to herald huh....ok, then he used that premise to say, that who knows how jah will HERALD the good news to all these people, as if to say that all it would take for a witness to be made to them would be a voice from heaven ( or t.v ad or program ) saying my son died for you so worship me etc.

    Now my question is, did anyone else hear this at their meeting ?? Is this an officially sanctioned line of thought or new light given by the org, or this brothers own reasearch ?? I was going to ask him after the meeting, but thought i would ask you fine scholerly folk first so i can have some ammo.

  • Defender


    I arrived somewhat late to the meeting just in time to catch the speaker talking about preaching to nations that have not received the "Good News" yet. The jist was how JWs have to wait on Jehovah as he may yet open those territories in ways not expected. And that JWs should just focus on the WORK and leave "complicated, difficult and hard things" to Jehovah.

    What I found disturbing about this material was the way it was presented as if Jehovah has a real problem now in openning those difficult and hard territories. But, that JWs should not worry but have absolute faith that Jehovah will in time find a way to deliver the message.

    There are a number of issues regarding JWs preaching message;

    1- First century prominent Christian preachers such as Paul, depended upon Christ and not Jehovah to lead them toward openning new fertile territories and away from problematic ones. Actually, this is an important point that shows proper headship. Christians are called so because they follow their leader Christ. If they start following another leader, then technically, they are no longer Christians.

    2- JWs message is markedly a different version of the Good News that 1st century Christians preached.

    3- 1st century preaching under the direction of Jesus was so successful that in a couple of centuries it reshaped Rome, the most powerful empire at the time. It is like converting entire United States into JWs. (Now, would that be a wonderful site?)

  • messenger

    The answer is no. This guy was shooting from the hip trying to make an excuse for the billions who will never be reached with watchtowers. Think about it, one third of all witnesses live in three countries. In those countries most people donot even know what we believe or teach. I have asked people here locally in regular conversations what they think of Jehovah's Witnesses. they say, "Oh they always seem happy and drop off some little magazines."

    Is that the preaching work Jeses intended? Then why did he not start a printing company? Surely a perfect man could have figured that out. The preaching work has evolved into nothing more than moving literature that nobody reads much less motivate them to do anything about serving God.

    And the band played on....

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