I am starting a list of similarities between Harold Camping and Jehovah Witness doctrine, which, when finished, I can print out and keep near my door to use to anti-witness to J.W.'s, and also to have copies on hand to "place" on windshields of cars owned by j.w.'s that I see who are going door to door. (If they can do it, so can I).
So here's what I have so far. Please correct it if needed, and add to it if you can find anything else that might be similar that I and we can use. Feel free to print this out when finished, and use it any way you feel comfortable using it. Keep it short, so it won't get complicated for anyone to use and prove, although I didn't put in any proofs just yet. If you can find any quotes we can use for proof in the W.t mags, please add them in for me. Thanks. I'm not good at looking up that kind of stuff. Some of you are experts at this, so your help would be very appreciated.
Harold Camping / Jehovah Witness similarities
J.W.'s ------- 1 day equals one thousand years.
Camping---- 1 day equals one thousand years.
J.W.'s --------- End time predictions....1925....1941....1975.
Camping---- End time predictions...September 1994.......May 21, 2011......October 21, 2011.
J.W.'s ------- Christ's second coming.......1914, came "invisibly".
Camping ---- Rapture....May 21, 2011....Failed, changed to "invisible" judgement Day.
J.W.'s ------- Last true channel of God's Word.
Camping---- Last true channel of god's Word.