To my end times friends

by larc 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    This note is for You Know, OBVES, Larsguy, MDS, and other like minded end time brothers.

    Dear brothers,

    It appears that you caught me at a bad time to get me all riled up about end time predictions. You see, I was born before the first A bomb was exploded. In grade school we had warnings about the A bomb and how hiding under our desk at school might save our lives. Some people were building bomb shelters. Underground areas were marked with bomb shelter signs.

    I was a Witness boy, telling the house holder about the end of the world. It was quite an era. Now, I am retired, living a comfortable life. So, the enthusiasm of the 30 year olds who are so excited about the wonderful possibilities of destruction, well, they just kind of make me yawn.

    During my life time there have been several wars, recessions, natural disasters, new illnesses, etc., but with it all, life goes on, and I don't get too het up about momentary problems. With it all, the past 60 years have been far superiour to the 60 years preceeding it, by far.

    Brothers, hedge your bets and set up a retirement plan.

  • proplog2

    The Bible doesn't really tell you to do anything extraordinary because of the nearness of the end. Those who died in the "so-called" deluge are described as doing ordinary and necessary things. Their only mistake is that they "took no notice".

    Taking "notice" or being alert is a good idea for people who want to plan things and even invest. What's the harm with keeping an eye on geo-politics, the environment etc. Finally the Bible says that an event will occur which will be a sign that it is time to flee to safety. What's wrong with looking at the possibilities? It's up to some organized group of "holy-ones" to identify the "disgusting thing that causes desolation standing in a holy place" and give instructions to flee from somewhere (maybe the USA) to somewhere else (who knows?).

    If this doesn't happen you live an observant life. If it does happen and you get some kind of benefit (salvation? Long term or temporary) consider yourself lucky.

    I grew up as a JW also. I was born a month before Hiroshima. I lived my youth afraid of the Soviets, like most 50's kids. But as a JW I carried the horrible burden and nightmare of being separated from my parents and subjected to unimaginable torture during the final assault of Gog of Magog.

    I definitely am working on retirement. (Probably a cardboard box at fisherman's wharf in SF). And I am still "taking note". Who knows?

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