The Martyring of Matthew Barrie.

by iknowall558 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iknowall558

    This is the kind of thing that the Watchtower does NOT want people to know about.

  • passwordprotected

    JWs on Wikipedia have tried to bury any use of the recordings and transcripts of the judicial committee meetings - and subsequent appeal - in the case of Matthew Barrie (hobotalk) from the Wikipedia entry on discipline within the Watch Tower Society .

    I've had a submission to my blog of all of the audio and transcripts of the case, along with a study in the ethics involved in such cases.

    Thus far the blog ranks highly in Google searches "jehovah's witness judicial hearing" and derivetives.

    Let's share this content as widely as possible so that the apologists won't be able to bury the evidence of how judicial committees work.

  • wobble

    BTTT This is great for readers and new members on here to hear. The Holy Spirit, or any spirit of true love and justice, is totally missing from these Elders, the only one who shows a Christlike attiitude is Matthew.

  • passwordprotected

    I think they also shatter the illusion that the elders act "out of love" in such cases where "apostasy" is the accused thought-crime.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    very interesting website. just read the first transcript, and am eager to read the rest. will listen to them later on. thank's for sharing!

  • Jomavrick

    Yes it is interesting how vile the "Truth" is when you open the veil and shine a flashlight. This what happens when you hand over the "keys" to your God given gift and responsibility to think for yourself. Any religion that does not allow for individual thought and coerces it members into activity contrary to normal human behavior is a cult. For what it's worth, I held a committee meeting of my own regarding the organization and I have "disfellowshiped" the entire religion for a number of grave offenses of which they are unrepentant.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    just downloaded all the podcasts from itunes. i think i've been like that years ago, but i did the fade and luckily evolved to an atheist. i can relate to most of the things talked about though. like better keeping my mouth shut, when having "shepperding calls".

  • Curtains

    thanks for sharing this Iknowall

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