Farmville :)

by LouBelle 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    Right so I know that some of you are fans of the game and play. I am one of those people that play, I'm not too "gunho" about it but I enjoy the escapism. What is it about the game that hooks you?

    For's the fact that I really do want a farm or smallholding. I want to have a couple of cows, chickens, veggie patch, fruit trees. I really and honestly do. Since I can't make that a reality right now, this game kinda comforts me that in cyberland I'm a farmer that walks around either dressed up as a penguin or in blue jeans, yellow shirt and a mardi gra mask - yes that is kinda me too. I really do have one of them masks, and do wear it on occassion.

  • nugget

    I like decorating my farm and making it pretty. Putting a heart of cherry trees round my valentines castle and flowers in my spa. It is relaxing and great displacement activity from Uni essays.

  • Chariklo

    I play. I think Farmville kept me sane during my extraordinary 14 months with the JW's.

    For me, it was a creative outlet that I enjoyed much as, when a child, I used to create little worlds out of stones, shells, flowers, etc, or drawing pictures etc.

    Latterly it's all got way too complex or maybe now i'm out of the JW scene I don't need something like that to keep me sane! For whatever reason I'm getting a bit fed up with it but I'm still making sure my crops get harvested and that every couple of days I exchange gifts with neighbours just to keep everyone happy. I've enjoyed collecting an assortment of thoroughbred horses etc.

    Purple Valentine cows, on the othr hand, really annoy me! I like a bit of realism within the artificial world!


  • cantleave

    I've stoped playing. Nugget will be on a higher level than me now - but I don't care.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I've stoped playing. Nugget will be on a higher level than me now - but I don't care.

    I thought maybe it was because of the new warnings against social networking.

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