Real or Fake?
by Iamallcool 6 Replies latest jw friends
Aussie Oz
hmmm, not sure...
but i'll bet if its real the poor buggar has a developed an identity crises...
I was told that only the shade changes, not the color, but according to wikipedia: "Different chameleon species are able to change different colors which can include pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, light blue, yellow, turquoise and purple."
So... I guess it's possible that it's real. I know a thing or two about editing videos, and while it's possible to make a video like that by editing, it's very time consuming.
If you can check out the other videos that the same person made, you could figure out whether or not they have the editing skills.
If I were to guess, I'd say it's real.
Perhaps I should do a video of a dog changing color.... hmmm...
Cool- the chameleon that taught JWs and Harold Camping how to change colors and adapt to disappointing predictions in their environment!
My daughter will love this video, thanks.
Alas it's faked.
It's just an advert for Ray Ban Wayfarers.
I watched the video before reading the comments and my initial reaction was, "why wasn't it already the color of the countertop that it was on instead of green if it's changing colors to match its surroundings?
That and the color phasing looked fake.