Do JW's Support & Shield Pedophiles?

by silentlambs 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    I had a conversation with a friend in the "know" today. It brings ever clearer the dysfunction of Jehovah's Witnesses and how they treat child molesters. In my local congregation the individual who admitted molesting children seems to be held in high esteem. When he goes to the meetings he regularly comments and has parts on the meetings. He is asked to read for the book study and for parts on the service meeting. While his wife is not allowed to be informed of his little problem even though she has a grown daughter with a 11 year old granddaughter who visits her step grandpaw with no knowledge of his imperfection. He regularly attends the field ministry and is often put in car groups of sisters to "captain" the group in the door to door work.

    The congregation has been told that a lot has been made of nothing and he needs to love and consideration of the brothers and sisters. It seems they forgot to mention he has molested multiple children multiple times. I guess the "cherry on the cake" came this last Sunday, I just found out the whole congregation met at his home to have a super bowl party. I just have to wonder how many Catholic, Mormon, Baptist, etc. child molesters get that kind of support from their local churches? You might try to argue the Society has no knowledge of what is going on, yet since I resigned they have moved three MTS Elders into the congregation. Do you really think they would act outside home office direction?

    So while the congregation has been instructed to treat me as a disfellowshipped person along with my family, he enjoys the pedophile paradise created by Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Do Jehovah's Witnesses support and shield pedophiles?

  • Fredhall

    Bill Bowen,

    Call the police dude.

  • alamb

    They shield each other at all costs whether child molester, womanizer, bigot, liar, slanderer, murderer, fill in the blank_________________
    Anything to keep clean the name of Jehovah.


    Hey Fred,your a good man thats the right thing to do..>>>Hey silent lambs,did you read the thread I posted to you yesterday?...OUTLAW

  • silentlambs

    I did call the police and filed a report, the "superfine" elders threatoned the victims into silence by saying why not forgive and keep from bringing reproach on Jehovah's name. One victim was told by her JW parents she would be kicked out of her home (that they own) along with her five year old son if she in any way made the congregation look bad. She lives as a silentlamb as a result. She recently told her sister that she is "waiting on Jehovah" per the elders instructions. All they had to do was sign a police complaint and he would be in jail. But when elders and family band together against a molestation victim it is a hard stand to take. I am sad they have to be put into a position that is dictated by WT policy.

    I saw your message and will keep it in mind as things develop.

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    On a recent visit (this week), my older JW sister discusses with me how our dad (rest his soul) a congregation servant (elder) was a pedophile. She was the victim of his sexual advances up until the age of eight. (he lost interest?) ...and how the elders merely "councelled" him.

    What I didn't get to mention to her (I will soon)is that after my dad's mom married another pedophile JW...and guess what? All the rest of my brothers and sisters had grown up.

    So there I was...held hostage in our house, forcibly sitting on his lap...while my mom, my middle sister & some local police were outside our locked house trying to coax him into letting me go. After he finally gave up...the police started asking me questions like "Where did he touch you" "Did he touch you 'down there'?" I remember my mom interupting them and saying "She'll be all right, we'll take care of her." Mom? Like you took care of my sister?

    Years later, I found out that my brothers had 'done things' to my middle sister. One of those brothers became a fine example in the congregation...even going on elderdom. (For those of you who read my 2nd's not the brother that posts here...whom btw hasn't responded!)

    Well to make a long story of pedophilia even longer...about 2 years ago my husband (baptized in 1974) reveals to me that his older JW cousin (a MS) had molested him when he was young.

    OK, I may be wrong here...but, everyone involved were not only part of my family but, they were all JWs.

    Is this normal?

    When does it stop?

  • ashitaka

    Really upsetting, makes me want to bang my head against a brick wall. There's no getting through to them.


  • VioletAnai

    Reading that has my guts in knots. Don't they care how the survivor is feeling, having to sit there, probably already wallowing in guilt and self-loathing and here's the perp, treated like a saint. Twist the knife deeper!!!!!

    I hate having to sit there and act like there's nothing wrong. I've bin told to put it in the back of my mind and start living my life. How can I do that? Can anyone tell me? The sad truth is: a person never forgets and can never FULLY get over it, as some of the insensitive jw bastards have suggested.

  • Not Perfect
    Not Perfect

    My heart goes out to all victims of such crimes that are silented by those who could protect.

    Bill, I do have a question about the situation you began with. If the sister/wife was uninformed, yet the brother/husband was known to have participated in porneia, by the elders, wasn't she entitled to know?

    Thanks, Not Perfect

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