UR thoughts on ogranizational changes solicited

by aristeas 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • aristeas

    I first posted this as a reply in my first post thread, but then realized it will get more reading if I post it anew. Sorry for the redundancy.

    I've been mulling over some of the recent changes in the organization (henceforth, O). Here are a few ideas. I'd enjoy having your reactions. Of course, if you've been enlightened and have read up on the real way things are in the O, the official reasons given are never the actual ones!

    I. The real reasons for doing away with the book study:

    1. It was a place where the b.s conductor could be somewhat independent, without the other elders present to constantly check on him. That idea of having other peers there to monitor each other is very big in O thinking. Might there have been a pattern of elders getting in trouble by going off on their own interpretation of the Society's policy/interpretation or even the scriptures themselves, and it started with the b.s.?

    2. A pattern emerged as to pedo elders' steps to get close to the cong's children. It revealed that they often used the intimate setting of the b.s. to begin their grooming of the kids.

    II. Doing away with Bethel elders.

    1. The GB is worried about the constant leaks of confidential stuff never supposed to be revealed to average publishers, let alone to opposers! They have discovered that much of this comes from 'independent minded' Bethelites who were privy to some of this material b/c of being Bethel elders. Thus the clampdown & attempt to stop the moles. After all, being able to get the Branch Organization book on line must be pretty painful to loyal WT heavies!

    So what do you think?

    Organizationally yours!


  • Scott77

    For # 1, I agree with your point however, its possible other factors were involved. The dwendling number of attendance is one of it. Because of economic pressure of family heads, most fathers were chronically absent. In the end,it would be elders or ministerial servants with sisters,a very tempting situaton.

    For #2, its closesly related to # 1 above. What you stated "pedo elders' steps to get close to the cong's children", is enabled by the chronic absence of their dads during those brainwashing sessioins.

    For #3, I have no idea. May be others will provide more information ont that.


  • aristeas

    Thx, Scott. When I conducted book studies years ago, the number of brothers (males) was small. I guess it must have gotten even fewer.

    Evidently not too many others care about commenting on this.

  • hoser

    I figure that liability for the WTBS was also a factor in getting rid of the book study. Imagine if a newly interested person slipped on your icy step coming in to a meeting sanctioned by the society, who would be named on the lawsuit?

    Another factor is that not too many were willing to let their houses be used for the book study.


  • Honesty

    I. The real reasons for doing away with the book study:

    1. There were also too many opportunities for closet apostates to make enlightening and subtle comments during the CBS that might jumpstart a doubting mind.

    2. It appears that pedophile elders who provided practical assistance (12/06 KM Page 6) to 'fatherless boys' and 'mothers with young children' were able to hide their despicable behavior much easier with the CBS arrangement.

  • sd-7

    Good theories. Control and monitoring are always huge underlying factors in the decisions made. Based on Raymond Franz' books, it's clear that the higher-ups don't trust the ordinaries to wipe their noses properly.

    They only care about the child molestation issues so far as it exposes them to legal liabilities. They've put enough in print to cover themselves by now, I think, but the less of that to deal with, the better.

    And yes, clearly there need to be as few chiefs as possible and as many drones as can be properly corralled with a minimum of power distribution. So icing the Bethel elders makes sense, so long as it doesn't result in less control for the powers-that-be.


  • aristeas


    Loved your 'drones'!

    Yeah, RF was good on the heavies' view of 'the ordinairies.' I'd seen that first-hand many times. They call it 'spiritual maturity' to view them that way . . .

    Thx to all for your insights & opinions—really appreciated. I'm just trying to figure out what's been going on after being away for 20 years. I gratefully acknowledge all help.

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