I do not read books, but I was told it is a very good book. If you have read the book before, tell me about it. Thanks!
Have you ever read "Please Understand Me" Book?
by Iamallcool 4 Replies latest jw friends
I have not read that book yet, byt that’s one of the titles that I have on my to read list. However, I took the KeirseyTemperament test from the same people that wrote the book, http://www.keirsey.com/sorter/instruments2.aspx?partid=0, good stuff if you want a little help figuring yourself out.
Unomas in Spanish.
I haven't read the whole thing yet, but thank you because I was meaning to get it today after work but had forgotten. I have long been a proponent of the MBTI system however, and a post on a board for members of my type (INTP) was mentioning just yesterday something about Jehovah's Witnesses, and then I log on to here and you're practically discussing MBTI. Weird coincidence, to me anyway. But yeah, "Please Understand Me" and MBTI have some very substantial content that I've found irreplaceable in my own quest for self-discovery... I would recommend everyone get their hands on a copy if possible, and also take a MBTI test (there are plenty online) and see how much you feel the results reveal about your own temperament.
Yes. PM me if you like.
Lunatic Faith
Yeah, I've read it. I'm an INTP too. I found it's description of my personality so enlightening I was finally able to stop hating myself for being different. I have a friend who has read and studied the book so much she is turning it into a career as a professional profiler. Interesting stuff!