This topic was inspired by the Can You Sue the Watchtower...
It appears that the legal defense of the Society is based on voluntary association, and based on that membership a person is by law subject to the eclessiastical tribunals (Judicial committees) of Jehovah's Witnesses. It immediately brings to mind the fact that many of us began association or were baptized while still minors. It seems to me that one could argue whether the membership is valid or not if we baptized early or were coerced into baptism.
For instance, I got baptized at 16 due to pressure from my parents. If I was to be charged with wrongdoing and the congregation wanted to disfellowship or disassociate me, could I claim defamation based on the fact that my membership was invalid. That I did not voluntarily submit myself to the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. I imagine this defense would be even easier for those of you that got baptized earlier, especially younger than 10-12 years old.
What do you think? Is it a loophole?