If Armegeddon is so close.......

by LDH 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Why don't any of the Elders have plans for when it happens--kind of like a re-grouping thing?

    Ginny's post got me thinking.

    Why don't any of 'Jehovah's People' know what to do during and after Armeggedon if it's so important that they survive?!?!?

    Where is the secret book "Surviving Armegeddon?"

    I mean, they blather on and on about how "it's so close" and yet Not one JW would have a scintilla of an idea about what to do if it actually arrived. Including the GB.


  • Jourles

    Nah, the answer is obvious. Every JW knows what to do. It is their most basic instinct.

    Run like mad to the nearest KH when the $hit hits the fan. Too bad the KH's will most likely be destroyed along with everything else if the artistry in the literature is a correct depiction of things to come.

  • ozziepost

    Interesting point.

    The illustrations in the publications show a stream of happy smiling faces coming away from a flaming inferno that was once a large city, much like the people escaping from Sodom and Gomorrah. But in the latter case, the grouping of the people was organisaed beforehand, so it sure makes you wonder what, and where, and how people are to achieve theiir salvation at Armageddon, doesn't it?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    They don't worry because they are gawds chosen people and will be protected and taken care of. "10,000 at your left, 10,000 at you right..."

    Religion Stops a Thinking Mind
    <x ><

  • belbab

    In the Isaiah books recently published and in the March 15 Wt. last year, It quoted the text from Isaiah, where it says, enter into your interior rooms until the denunciation has past. They also showed a picture of a family, husband leading of course, of a family climbing the stairs up to their interior rooms.

    The explanation for our day was that no doubt going into the interiour rooms meant taking refuge in the local congregations and kingdom halls.

    Now when the World trade towers were hit, what was reported as the first reaction at Brooklyn. they pulled the curtains shut, and locked the doors, and then, I believe, they assembled in the dining halls. Later, they made a big effort to cover their immediate reaction, by saying how much help they offered people, how they opened up their doors to the fleeing public refugees.

    I believe, that they thought the Big A was here, and followed their preconceived reaction to it. Later they tried to cover it up. It is something like back in 19i4 where brothers dressed in white robes and were waiting to be caught away while standing on the Brooklyn bridge.


  • LDH

    GOT DAYUM!!!!

    I was right on the money!

    Check out this link from Pure language, where "After Armegeddon Training" is the newest JW wave!


    lurker Class

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