Hello! I have been looking for the perfect athletic laceless shoes. I owned 3 perfect ones in the past and they are now worn out pretty much. I bought Reebok Instant Pump Shoes not long ago, I ordered them online, they are laceless, but I am not comfortable wearing them. There are some ugly athletic laceless shoes on the internet that I would not be interested to purchase. If you wear athletic laceless shoes, I would like to hear from you, tell me how you like it, etc.... Thanks!
Do you have Athletic Laceless shoes?
by Iamallcool 7 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
This is what I thought you meant at first. Ahh, you were bringing back memories although this wasn't what you intended.
I have a pair of these and really like them...great one pull lacing system.
tenyearsafter, I will go to REI store to try them out, Thanks for your help!
No problem...good luck.
I need some input again, maybe from some new folks here. Thanks!