I'm not a JW, but it is my understanding that JW's don't believe in an immortal soul that passes on after the body dies...that when a person dies, they 'sleep' until called forth in the resurrection if they were found worthy. Is that correct? If so, what do they think of the numerous documented near-death experiences over the centuries? (just curious)
Near Death Experiences - How do JWs explain
by Double Edge 9 Replies latest jw friends
They'd probably say, a blow to the head can cause hallucinations, or it's deeminz. One or the other, I think.
same thing as real medical science.
The demons were playing mind games with you.
I dont have any WT references, just experiences with what was discussed about this point. I remember hearing opinions of the "sisters and brothers" saying:
"Probablly something to do with stress", or as above post points out "Demons misleading people".Come to think of it, I've been exposed to many religous circles and studied quite a few religous/culture relations. Next to the Japanese culture and Indian culture (non-christian point of view with demons) I haven't seen a culture or sub-culture so "influenced and obsessed" with the POWER of demons.
Jehovah Witnesses have this shadow obsession with them. If there is a problem...hey, just blame it on demons! Someone question the WTBTS, Got DF'd, became an apostate? Bygum, must been them Demons! Smurfs? DEMONS! Aluminum? Um, demons! The shiet on my shoe from the dog crapping on the lawn? Well, that your dog...no wait...DEMONS!
D8-LOL, pretty funny man, real true.
It's works both ways, though. I was out in service with devout JW guy a long time ago. At one door, some guy was called us cursed, and was cracking jokes, calling us heathens, making noise for us coming to his door. My friend was discreetly looking for scriptures while I just talked to the guy about the garden. I laughed when the fella called us names, took it all in stride. He said he was being funny, but being cursed by God is no laughing matter.
Then a bird crapped on my former best friends hand.
"A sign, a sign!" the guy shouted. I never laughed so hard. My friend was never so red. I shook the fellas hand and left.
In this case, the guy thought it was God taking a shite on the JW's.
funny no matter what.
Years ago I was hit by a car and almost died. I had a "near death experience" you could call it. I was flying away from my body in pitch darkness, and can remember a feeling of shock and disbelief at my sudden death, and recall repeating just two words over and over and over again: "I'm dead." I couldn't believe I was dead, but I knew that I was.
Ever since that event, I have had experiences with the paranormal and supernatural (which I've recounted from time to time in postings).
How do I reconcile this experience and subsequent experiences thereafter? I can't, to put it simply. This is a major contradiction between the reality I experienced and continue to experience, and the teaching that seems to negate that reality.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.-- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)
Near death experiences are caused by oxygen deprivation to the brain. The experience can be replicated by putting a person in a centrifuge.
larc, yes I have seen those studies, the white light & all, but ya never know.
Is the DREAM the reality or the REALITY the dream?
Double Edge
larc... what you said is true, but that's only one explaination. There are numerous experiences that science can't explain away as being induced by the brain, experiences where certain information was only obtained by being 'out of the body'... To those who have had those 'genuine' experiences, where science can't explain it away, the attitude seems to be 'if you'd experienced what I did, you would have absolutely no doubt, for those that do doubt, no real explanation would ever satisfy you anyhow because of your unbelief, so it doesn't matter..you'll know soon enough'. For me, I believe in them (not all, but enough). I just wondered how JWs accounted for them.