Does anybody have any free websites to offer for math help. I can practicing my math in prepartion for the fall semester. Thanks
Math Websites
by d 7 Replies latest jw friends
Not sure what level you are looking for but the BBC have a good revision resource amied at high school level
I am in college so I need a college based math website.
S.O.S. MATHematics
S.O.S. MATHematics is your free resource for math review material from Algebra to Differential Equations!
The perfect study site for high school, college students and adult learners. Get help to do your homework, refresh your memory, prepare for a test, ....
Browse our more than 2,500 Math pages filled with short and easy-to-understand explanations. Click on one of the following subject areas: Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Matrix Algebra, or Mathematical Tables.
You can find topics ranging from simplifying fractions to the cubic formula, from the quadratic equation to Fourier series, from the sine function to systems of differential equations - this is the one stop site for your math needs.
You want more? Check out our CyberExams to prepare for a test, or ask a question on our popular CyberBoard! You can buy a personal copy of our site on CD, or browse our recommended book list.
chickpea (khan academy)
amazing site just now getting the acknowledgement it deserves
helped me pass an organic chem course the past semester
C6H12O6 - online calculator, you input your problems like a graphing calculator - handy math links - not trying to insult you, but it's great for fundamentals and it's easy to understand
you can find tutorials on youtube
Band on the Run
The Khan Academy is superb and free. He developed different ways of teaching math without fancy gizmos. Charlie Rose had him on. The website is expanded to include history and social science. It was developed for math. Tests are provided so you can practice the skills.
I was extremely impressed. Gates is funding its expansion.
If you want to start at the top, MIT makes their course materials available on line.