Location: Wales uk
Just a thought a quick calculation in 2001 it took around 4,438 hours to get one baptised publisher.l hope those figures are right, l will check them again later.
in 1969 it was about 2000 hours-that means it is now taking about double the number of man hours (preaching & teaching hours) than it did in 1969.
I saw that post while browsing through:
Can you imagine it taking 4,438 hours to get one convert? ...and that's with the "new arrangement" of not studying with Bible Studies for 10 years!!!
If the society paid these poor brothers and sisters minimum wage to do their grunt work...each convert would cost them $22,855.70! Not to mention all the gas mileage and food expenses!
No wonder they didn't want us bright young people going off to college and getting real paying jobs.
I personally spent a minimum of a thousand hours a year working for the society. What did I get for all my time, effort and hard work?
See below:
Sad thing was...I wasn't to show off my souvenir to anyone even though it cost me $5,150 a year to get it plus gas & expenses of course! *sigh*