Just looking at latest yearbook and noticed something about the worldwide report (2010)... Only 19 countries/lands reported an increase of 10% or more, and only 3 of those had 1,000+ publishers in 2009 (still under 2000 publishers in those 3 lands..) . Any thoughts?
Interesting statistic
by The Quiet One 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
More and more people are Googling before making important life decisions like choosing a career or a religion...
The Quiet One
Anyone have any thoughts on the report? Are there any religions with better growth rates etc.
Well growth will eventually slow once they've reached all who will make the jump. Look at the US. In a country with only 1000 witnesses the addition of only 100 people is a 10% jump. Sounds impressive, but the numbers really aren't all that stunning. If some of those 1000 have children that reach age, the growth could be explained with just those children being baptized. Their statistics give so little detail. I'd like to see the statistics state how many baptized were raised as such, how many learned as adults, how many died, and how many no longer get counted due to inactivity or DF. We will never see that though. Ten percent jump sounds impressive enough and that is where they end the narrative.
How many countries showed zero or negative growth by comaprison?
The Quiet One
17 show negative growth.
Prepare yourself...... their next 'spin' will be that this proves the end is near..... the lack of growth....God has chosen who he wants...