Hi everyone,
I am still fairly new to this site (was raised a JW from 4 til I just stopped going to meetings and moved out of the parents' house @ 17 in 1985).
Fortunately I have a good relationship with my parents (I am an only child, which probably helps, not to mention the fact that they continually can't wait to see their grandchildren --3yr old boy and 7 mth old girl) even though they still diligently are full fledged dubs (my dad was an elder for many years before stepping down due to the extremely heavy load of preparing for talks, elders meetings etc, due to time it was taking away from our family).
After reviewing the numerous sites on the web and learning the truth and hypocrisy surrounding the Watchtower, there are so many issues that I want to raise with the folks yet haven't mustered up the courage to do so, but that's another topic.
My question for you all is this: What do you think about the idea of anonymously dropping off incriminating documentation at the front door of the KH? IMO there are so many down in the ranks have no clue the stuff about the UN, Silentlambs info, etc. Someone would be bound to see this stuff, and it could cause a domino effect if received in the right wavering hands (of course the opposite I know could occur with a devout JW who immediately sees it as apostate and discards it down the toitet).
Love to hear your thoughts!