The other day a bible student who is married said she found out her husband is sending msn messages and email to women saying he want to have relationship with her, and indicates he is single. My student asked me if sexting or sending emails talking about sex grounds for a divorce in Jehovah's eyes.
I tried doing reseach on this but I can't seem to find information about sexting. Can anyone give me ideas what I can look up for her?
So, what do you think. Here is a person who is simply studying that is about to receive advice from this witness on divorce. Notice that the witness tried doing "research" but can't find info about sexting. How about "I'm sorry missy, but this is simply outside of anything to do with our bible study". Maybe since she can't find a scripture talking about sexting should be a clue that she has strayed into an area that is personal and not something she should get into.