JW blood donors.
by bigmac 9 Replies latest jw friends
Are hard to find?.....come on dude at least give me a clue.
must have hit the wrong key.
are any active JW's blood donors?--or is this a DFing offence?
i ask this because there was a programme on the BBC ( UK )--a few minutes ago.
its not a stupid question--i'm wondering what replies this will receive.
as an aside---i could never understand why some JW's, needing an urgent - life saving transfusion---didnt just go-ahead--then at some future date express remorse & ask for forgiveness. how many elders would then still DF such a percon?
I don't think JW"s refuse blood to prevent shunning, I think they refuse because they really believe.
I've never heard of a witness donating blood. I think that would probably violate the no blood principal. Still, now that they are able to take all of the factions and technically all of the blood if it is rearranged---it seems like they should be able to donate. SOMEONE has to donate in order for them to take all those factions. Or do they consider the people that donated, so that the JW could have a faction, armegeddon fodder? It's really problematic.
I think it rather ironic that us evil worldly people save the lives of jw's by our donating blood. They have no problem using up the supply of blood by their supposed no blood policy (fractions) where the hell do they think these fractions come from?
Found Sheep
When in nurseing school I wouldn't even help with a "blood drive" that the whole class partisipated in.
I don't think it would be a DF offense.
However, it would be viewed extremely poorly - the JW would not be considered to be "exemplary", and all "privileges" of service (elder, MS, pioneer, etc.) would immediately be stripped away.
Oddly, the "privileges" of slaving away in the field misery, donating cash to the WTS, and scrubbing toilets would not be taken away - go figure.
If the blood donation were to be repeated even after "strong counsel", it might even cause a "marking" talk to be given - I suspect it would be viewed in the same light as "dating an unbeliever" - i.e., "we'd really love to DF you, but our rule book doesn't technically allow it".
i could never understand why some JW's, needing an urgent - life saving transfusion---didnt just go-ahead--then at some future date express remorse & ask for forgiveness. how many elders would then still DF such a percon?
Look at the website www.AJWRB.org - it happens far far FAR more often than you might think.
If it would come to a JC, having given a blood donation to get it transfused during the operation might be seen as a determined and thought-through action, increasing your chances of getting DF'ed. Be aware of JW amongst the hospital staff. It does not matter to them that the whole issue is full with inconsistencies. Abstract policy based upon a possible interpretation of a bible verse is more important than a human life.
Something to think about: the big O uses a passage in Deut. (?) that says an Israelite could sell unbled meat to a Gentile to justify a witness MD giving a blood transfusion to a non-JW. It mght have interesting implications for this question. I'll have to look up that passage later.
I doubt that Witnesses are even aware that today is World Blood Donor Day. It would be a good "local needs" topic for tonight's meeting!