Benjamin Button?

by What Now? 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    I just remembered this the other day and I had to share ...

    We were watching the Brad Pitt movie 'Benjamin Button' with some friends. It's the story of a man who ages backwards. While we were watching it, my friend made the comment "wow, that is what's going to happen to us in the new system".

    It just sounded so ... ridiculous! But she said it with absolute sincerity.

    I guess to someone who is an atheist, or has no use for religion or the bible would say that that's no more ridiculous than believing that when you die you go to heaven.

    But that particular Witness belief lost any validity for me after watching that movie and hearing that comment. I was just kind of like, really?? I'm supposed to believe THAT?

  • Berengaria

    Oh yea, that's a perfect movie for them. It's sad, particularly 20 30 50 years down the road

  • dgp


  • botchtowersociety

    I think that scenario will eventually play out. Science.

  • snowbird

    I still believe it's going to happen.

    I remember the centenarian Delany sisters inHaving Our Say mentioning that, in their dreams, they were always young.

    Deep down, we know it's not supposed to be this way.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    and they forget the continuation of the movie...

    he became a baby and eventually disapeared.

    maybe he became an orgasm...


  • Glander

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