How I see myself (Part IV) - the last part
by bottleofwater 8 Replies latest jw experiences
jean-luc picard
I greatly hope that my future keeps on leading me to success.
Thanks for reading.Thanks for writing, bottleofwater, and good luck with your future.
I found your post really interesting, BOW, and I hope that you continue to 'find yourself' and are happy.
I was a little confused with your references to the Kingdom Hall being a 'church' though- even as an ex Witness I would still not refer to it as a church...
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Thanks for sharing!
I call it a church because I consider "Kingdom Hall" to be cult-speak.
Black Sheep
You future looks a lot brighter now, than when you first arrived, Bottle.
I'm with you on the cult-speak too. I never use it, especially with Dubs. I always try to leave them with the impression that I see nothing special about the church I had the misfortune to be born to members of.
All the best Bottle ! The future is an exciting place, full of opportunity and fun ! Grab it !
Found Sheep
thanks for the update! It's hard enough being a JW and then adding being Gay! Best wishes! Enyoy your life to the full! out side of JW's most will love you for whom you are!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Just wanted to add that when I see a duck, I call it a duck.
In my opinion it's appropriate to call it a church. The elders are lay ministers... or more accurately "volunteer janitors." COs, DOs, special pioneers, bethelites, and the GB are clergy. And the GB are cardinals or "collective pope" based on "apostolic succession," as the Reasoning Book states, "Not a Bible teaching." The JW choice of wording is just window dressing. They call it "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses", we call it "JW cult."