Randy/Wt comments

by TheLoveDoctor 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheLoveDoctor

    when are u ganna update your video on those that partake were up to 11,200 as of last year and waiting for this years numbers? This updated info could have a great effect on those who need to hear the truth of the truth.

    You could also do a video about the GB/Annointed and how annointed are not so important, how now thier numbers are not important even though its one of the five lines of evidence were in the last days, show some quotes of how we obey them. that anointed are feeding us but that they have no more spirit than any of us.

    you have some great video's and it would be nice to see one or two more. PLEASE OH PLEASE, PLEASE CAN YOU PLEASE.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Every year the statistics become more impactful. I agree that an updated video would be awesome!

  • NVR2L8

    Although the increasing number has a significance for those who are no longer blinded by the "light", the Watchtower has already started addressing this issue to minimize the impact on their members. Their explanation is that they do not know the exact number of annointed...they only know the number of "partakers", some of which could be emotionally disturbed, wannabees or even some who have held to their past religious belief that they would go to heaven...JWs will accept this explanation since it is written in the WT...

  • TheLoveDoctor

    thats why quotes from thier own literature on video would be great and it will also help ones to see the control the gb is having.

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